freakin nest just ate my post. now I have to write my confessions out all over again.
1. My sister has so many problems and I feel sooo bad for her but I have to keep reminding myself that she has caused and continues to cause a lot of them.
2. I am worried that because of my sister's issues, that she's never going to have any friends or a relationship and all she will ever have is her cat and my mother.
3. I still feel guilty that I'm making it to yoga once a week instead of two.
4. I am sooo happy that I have a year off from school but it feels very unreal to me. I've never not worked. I can't believe I have this amazing opportunity.
Re: *~*confessions*~*
1. As sad as I am that summer is drawing to an end, I am so happy that fall is here so I can wear baggier clothing to hide my ugly self.
2. I wish I had the motivation to work out, but instead I eat and feel bad about my lack of motivation...and part of me doesn't even care about not working out.
3. I'm really glad that I went to the doctor's about being overwhelmed...but even happier that finally my family and DH realized I needed more help than they were giving me/offering...and am secretly happy that the push I gave myself is the push they all needed.
4. I should nap when Austin naps or even clean, but instead I tend to surf the web/nest.
I definitely have work to be doing today, but I'm pretty much just f'ing off instead.
I hope Matt falls asleep early tonight so I can have the TV to myself and have some Sarah time.
I'm nervous about my big u/s Tuesday. I really would like to have a little girl and I and everyone around me is so convinced it's a girl, I feel that it has just been really built up too much. I guess I'm worried that if it's a boy people will think I'm upset or let down, (even though I feel that I absolutely won't be) and like I'll have to constantly be acting a certain way to reassure them that I'm OK with it. Does that even make any sense?
1. I hate work more and more each day. Its not the work, its the company. Nothing will EVER change here and I"m so glad to be done in a few weeks!!
2. I"m really not THAT excited about going away on vacation next week, and I"m not really sure why. Maybe its because I have so much packing and preparing to do...
3. I really really really want my own house, but I'm not sure if its going to happen and I"m pretty bummed about it.
4. I wish my DH was more supportive...
I really really can't wait to see Neil Diamond this weekend...pretty lame confession, but I am psyched.
Also do not want to be in BIL's wedding...grrr and I really don't have a way to back out.
1. My brother gave me two of his old sweatshirts and they fit me! I want it to be cooler out now so I can wear them, because I feel more comfortable hiding my flab.
2. I was hoping the doctor would finally find something really wrong with me today, just so we could figure out how to fix it.
3. I really love our house. I thought I would go through the withdrawal part of buying it, but I just love it.
1. I was sang "Old MacDonald had a Farm" and "I've been working on the railroad" while in the shower today.... b/c Mason was fussing and I wasn't quite ready to get out yet.
2. I'm glad I went to the doctor about the pain I'm still having
3. I REALLY don't want to work this weekend....we are shortstaffed and it sucks to work a 6 person assignment with only 4 or 5 people....PLUS, I hate working Fridays b/c I always have to work with the same person and I end up doing twice the work
4. I haven't really done any of the things I *should* have done the past 2 days (ie, cleaning) and I feel bad about it.
I hate that I can not confess what I feel b/c this is a public board and I know some people are watching.
I hate sometimes that I can not be a SAHM. I miss spending time with Connor so much. But then I realize how much I would miss working and that adult interaction and competition.
I love Big Brother 10!
I have an issue letting Connor cry at night but I am trying to get better at this.
I used Connor to get out of an event tonight :P