Are they strictly bug eaters? Or do they eat bulbs and tubers too?
We have a mole problem. Which I never was terribly concerned with because our dog kept them away from the house and my flowers. They stayed out on the peripheral of our acreage and I was cool with that. Live and let live right? Well our beloved dog died February 1st. She's not here to guard our yard anymore and this spring I noticed that the moles have gone absolutely beserk all over our yard and tunneled RIGHT where my beautiful peonies are. I've also found trails around my hostas, and I also had new crocus, daffodil and tulips.
I'm going to kill the little f*ckers if they ate my peonies!!!! I can replant the others easily. Peonies take time to get as gorgeous as mine were last year.
With a new born and grieving over our loss, we weren't ready to get another dog, and with the size of our yard, grub killer will cost a small fortune. But maybe we re-think the was the best answer to our mole problem.
Re: Crap. Do moles eat peony tubers?
~Life After Infertility~
They very well could have.
From our experience the best way to get rid of moles or voles are the poisonous gummy worms you put in freshly dug areas. They are expensive but effective. They were recommended to us by a family friend who is an exterminator before that we tried everything else with little success. Snakes are also great for keeping the population down so if you have any of those in the area don't discourage them from being in your yard.
Q: Do moles eat peony tubers?
A: NO! Moles eat earthworms and grubs.