So I had my doc appt. today. The pain I had on Mon. and Tues. has gotten better, but I am still quite tender on my belly. This will be TMI....she did an internal and pushed on my uterus a little which didn't seem to bother me much. It was uncomfortable, but not painful. She seems to think it likely has something to do with the reconnection of my nerves, especially when I told her that ibuprofen did NOTHING to stop the pain. She said that as my nerves are reconnecting, I may be becoming hypersensitive, which honestly makes sense since I have practically NO numbness at all. She is referring me to a pain center for assessment, b/c she feels like they will be able to help me manage things better. I really do hope that this gets resolved soon. I currently am not in a ton of pain, but this is also not the first time I have been in pain. Anywho...thanks for reading....
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