I had to call 911 today and I thought I was going to lose it!!!!!
Today around 2pm (after naptime), Jakob had a half of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and some fruit......
Do you see where I am going with this?????
He ate half of his sandwich and a couple of pieces of fruit and then was all done and wanted to go play. I cleaned things up in the dining room and kitchen (which only took a minute) and when I walked into the livingroom where the kids were playing, he looked up at me and I nearly lost it! His face and neck were all red, a little swollen, and covered in little white hives.
I've always been SO worried about him having an allergic reaction to something, particularly peanuts (because my MIL has this allergy too) so I grabbed my bottle of Children's Benadryl that I have had in the house "just in case". Well, there isn't a doseage amount on there for a 2 year old - it just says "Under age six - call a doctor"! So I thought, ok.....that's what I'll do......calling the pediatrician was next on my mental list of things to do anyway!
Well, never once in 2 1/2 years have I EVER had a problem getting through to my pediatrician's office. Doesn't it just figure that TODAY that I tried dialing them THREE times and it was BUSY!!!!! So, at this point, Jakob's getting more red and swollen and I don't want to give him the wrong dose of benadryl.....I'd better call 911!
So I did.....they were great.....sent an ambulance right away! I was a little worried about how Jakob would react to having a couple of EMTs rushing into the house but they were really great with him and didn't make him nervous at all. At the point when they first got here, was the worst that the hives ever got, then they seemed to stay the same for awhile, and then they started to get a little better. After spending awhile here with me asking questions, the EMTs had me call the pedi's office again to ask again about the dosing for the Benadryl (didn't have trouble getting through this time - figures). So, I gave him 1/2 tsp and they observed him for awhile - the hives went away completely and the redness too
Talking with the EMTs and the triage nurse at the peditrician's office, we decided that he was OK and not in any life threatening danger from this reaction - so he didn't need to go to the emergency room. We just need to follow up with the pediatrician and probably get him tested for allergies and in the meantime NO PEANUTS, since this is what we suspect is the problem.
Of course, seeing the ambulance in front of our house freaked out all of the neighbors who were around too and we had a little parade of them coming through oncethe EMTs left to make sure that all was well. It's nice to be reminded that my neighbors care and are looking out for us!
Re: Never a dull moment!!!!
OMG Laura, I am SOOOOO glad to hear that Jakob is ok!! phew!!! What a scare and great job to you!! Doesnt it figure about calling the pedi! ugh
I hope he has no more allergies
I avoided peanuts with Jakob up until age two (and I also did not eat them myself while I was pregnant because my OB advised that too (because of the family hx). I've been introducing them slowly over the course of the months since his second birthday.
I remember the first time I gave him some PB very vividly (because I was so scared about doing it)! I put it on my fingertip and fed it to him, then sat him in his highchair and watched him afterwards for a half hour or so like a hawk! To be truthful, today was probably the very first time that I had finally felt comfortable (like we were "out of the woods") with giving Jakob PB. It is definitely not something that he eats everyday, but it usually isn't the first time a child eats something that an allergy shows up.
Laura, what a scare! Sounds like you handled things great though! What nice neighbors you have! I wish my neighborhood was more like that. I just have Buzz who annoys the heck out of me the rest of our neighbors could care less.
Poor Jakob, I really hope its NOT a peanut allergy, though it sounds like it probably is:(
That must have been so scary! I hope Jakob is okay! Good think you were able to think in a panic like that.
omg! Poor Jacob and Mama!
I'm glad that everything is okay now, though. I bet you had quite the adrenaline rush! Hopefully you have some herbal tea (or maybe a margarita with that tequila you bought recently) to calm yourself down last night.