Mariela Joy was born on Thursday morning (March 25th) at 3:10am weighing in at 8 lbs 6 oz and 20 1/2 inches long. My water broke in the parking lot on my way into Hometown Buffet in Manchester Wednesday afternoon after the doctor told me to eat a light lunch and go walking. We were going to eat at the Buffet so my mom and DH could stock up on a big meal before the long wait of labor at the hospital and then go walking at Sam's Club while we bought some last minute things we needed for the house. Needless to say we never made it to Sam's and ended up getting our food take out. I ate mine in the car on the way to the hospital because I knew once I was admitted I couldn't eat until the baby was born!
Here she is:
Re: Our baby girl arrived!
Nope, we were across town. I couldn't believe how many babies were born while we were there, though. I think the nurse said something like 30 babies were there at any one time..seeing all the babies in the nursery one night was incredible.
Heather, she's beautiful!!!
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