...I have a couple confessions.
*Yesterday it really finally hit me how much (in an immeasurable way) I really love this baby. Yes, he's 13 days old now, and that makes me feel like a horrible person - for taking so long to feel that way - but I do. Of course I loved him before, but I was still feeling this sort of detachment, like it was still unbelievable that he is here and he is mine.
*My DH is having a hard time helping me in the middle of the night. Its not a big deal because Collin is an awesome sleeper already, but its very discouraging and makes me not even want to bother waking him up to just do a diaper change because he just comes across as being pisssed off or grumpy, even if he doesn't mean it. I am afraid eventually this will take a toll on me, though.
*I am feeling really anxious about not going back to school for the beginning of the year becauase I am afraid of who is going to be in my classroom. I obsess about how my room looks and where things are and my curriculum and I am terrified when I return in a few months it is just going to be chaos.
*I wish I had more time to get things done around the house. We have had paint to do our hallway for over a month now and I haven't been able to do it. I'm sick of looking at the ugly walls every day.
Re: Since I missed yesterday.....
I didn't fully bond with Austin until 17 weeks, so don't feel bad at all - this is a whole new person in your life and you have to get to know him
It's a great feeling when it happens though, isn't it?
I went through this too and it did take it's toll on me - make sure you wake your hubby up, grump or not!