I've divided them before (just to make smaller plants for other areas of our garden) but I think this year I need to really do something more. They get so huge by the time they are ready to bloom (even w/pinching them back halfway every week or so) that they split down the middle and lay flat on the ground and they look like crap.
So anyway I think I asked this once before on here and someone told me to split off sections of the outside of the rootball to replant and get rid of the center. Is that right?
I have probably 10 plants that I have to do and I just dont know where i'll go with all of the good sections...
Re: Splitting mums question
i was having the same problem as you - whenever it rained the mum would weigh down and there'd be this big gaping hole in the middle. I split it in half this weekend and it seems to have recovered okay.
I did read somewhere before I did it that if your plant is really big, you can take out the middle. Mine weren't big enough to do that, though.