Orange County Nesties
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Our tech team has launched updates to The Nest today. As a result of these updates, members of the Nest Community will need to change their password in order to continue participating in the community. In addition, The Nest community member's avatars will be replaced with generic default avatars. If you wish to revert to your original avatar, you will need to re-upload it via The Nest.
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TGIF, bitches.
What's up for the weekend?
I'm off today, w00t! I have some errands to run, but I'm basically going to veg today since I haven't been home all week. going to a hockey game later tonight.
tomorrow: stuff around the house, no plans yet in the evening.
sun: easter dinner with the neighbors, I'm in charge of dessert so I'll make that at some point. and I have to pack for my trip back to houston next week.
Tonight: I think I'm going to a party in LA
Tomorrow: Helping my mom stuff 100 plastic eggs with candy and then hiding them for my niece and nephews to find on Sunday.
Sunday: Easter stuff at my side of the family. H's mom and siblings are going to Oklahoma to visit his older sister and her kids during Spring Break.
Today: Run with the hubs. Possible church later.
Tomorrow: Waiting for the feeking Uverse guy. Hopefully they show up this time. Going over to see my mommy.
Sunday: Church- dinner at my ILs.
your life sounds almost as exciting as mine. almost.
I have no plans for the weekend since I'm childless until Sunday. I will probably read some books, drink some wine, and watch the BBC version on Pride & Prejudice while folding laundry. Sexy stuff.
Oh and I need groceries too!
Today got here at 9:30am and plan on leaving at 12:30pm... not even a half day.
MH (off fo spring break this week) and B are picking me up to go to the mall H needs to do some shopping. Lunch at the mall and not sure what we're doing the rest of the day.
Saturday: Going to HB to take Phoebe to the dog beach and B's first time ever at the beach. Chill might drive up to The Grove, but not sure if we want to do this with a dog and baby.
Sunday: at IL's who are hosting Easter brunch and then going meet up with my mom and sister who have more goodies for B. Later on that night MH and I plan on eating her Easter goodies
Monday: took the day off my last day off and last week before I start at corporate on the 12th. Plan to hang out with my mom and B at Irvine Spectrum.
Have a good weekend everyone and Happy Easter!!
Today: Singed loan docs this morning! Getting off of work early and maybe going out to eat to celebrate with H. Church at 5:30pm.
Saturday: Going appliance shopping and maybe taking a look at some model homes to get ideas for ours.
Sunday: Church in the morning and then late lunch at my moms house.
Happy Friday!
Today: Same ol'.
Tomorrow: ILs are coming over for Easter dinner. I am responsible for the side dishes, because I have so much free time to cook with two newborns!!!1!!!
Sunday: My family is coming for Easter lunch and we're grilling carne asada and having tacos, rice and beans. And margaritas. Hollur.
After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!
I'm boring. I'll probably be working on my website most of the weekend, reading, and watching TV. My cousin and her husband are coming out in April, so we've been slowly tackling some household stuff we're too lazy to take care of when it's just us.
It should be relaxing, happy Easter everyone!
Today: Got my hair did, and now I'm off to church
Saturday: Brunch and working out
Sunday: Church then going to Claremont to see family