I really really really want to expand our patio this year. We talked about it last year & with the wedding we just didn't have the money for it & then summer was over. So I told DH that I really want it done this year before summer hits because when summer does hit & we have a BBQ every weekend, we are going to wish we did it. See we keep our patio furniture on the grass & after it rains the grass gets pretty saturated and the chairs sink into the ground when you sit on them sometimes. Not only is this uncomfortable but we get tons of holes in our grass. We just signed up for all this landscaping stuff and I am super excited to have beautiful lush grass.... only to have it poked with holes from the patio set?! ugh.
So I really want to
extend the patio out to the end of the sunroom, so all of this grass
would be patio & we can walk out of the sunroom onto the patio and
our furniture would be there:
http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=6 ?
Here is the patio brick we have now (its half wet
so it looks weird):
http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=6 ?
So I know we would have to dig, put down rocks or sand, compact it and then lay the bricks and compact that. I know people who I can pay to do this for me. I am wondering how much someone would think it would cost for everything & with 2 guys how long do you think it would take?
*I don't want to hire someone to do this because it will be even more expensive.
Re: Does anyone know anything about installing patio pavers?
We're looking into putting a paver patio in as well. It really depends on what kind of paver you want and how big the area will be. We are doing the labor ourselves, and from what I have researched for a 10x10 or 12x12 spot, the costs will be anywhere between $300-500 for the pavers (nothing fancy) plus the rock and sand to prep the spot. You can look online at Lowes and Home Depot for pavers- costs are listed by square foot.
It could easily be a weekend project, they go in pretty quick.
We took out our deck and put in a paver patio ourselves last fall, and ended up spending about half of what we had gotten as quotes for putting in the paver patio. It turned out great, we love it, and spend quite a bit of time out there BBQ'ing and hanging out. Doing it ourselves was well worth the effort.
It's not that hard (DH and I pretty much did everything ourselves), but it can take a little bit of planning, depending upon how anal you are (we're both engineers, so everything had to be measured!). The thing that took the longest for us was digging - we dug down 7 inches to allow for 3 inches of roadbase (gravel), 2 inches of sand, and the 2 inch tall pavers. Doing it by hand with just shovels took a while, but was a good workout! We rented a plate compactor from Home Depot to compact the road base, then again after putting down the pavers. We finished using the polymeric sand in between the pavers, which when wet adheres a bit to avoid weeds growing between the cracks.
If you keep the patio rectangular and don't have to cut the pavers, it will go quickly. We did two semi-circles which required us to cut pavers, so that took some time. Fortunately I had a friend who lent us his wet tile saw, which made things much easier.
We used Pavestone pavers and got our other materials (roadbase, sand, etc) from a local company, but rented all of the equipment from Home Depot. Prices probably differ in different parts of the country, but professional installers had quoted us around $10-12/square foot, and we put ours in for about $5/square foot (which included a set of stairs).
Hope that helps! Good luck with your project!