All is ok now but he had 2 shots for vaccinations, both for meningitis. On Thursday morning. He was fine most of Thursday but between his teething and shots he was a crappy sleeper last night . I took his temp this morning and it was at 102. I went to work but left a bit early to take him to the doctors office. He was of course ok but needs rest. He was fighting sleep again tonight
I was working on getting himself to sleep a few nights before the shots and I think I am going to have to start back at square one b/c he is waking up again during the night and I am trying not to jump at his every peep. The pedi said that he is starting to understand manipulation...greattt!! So I hvae to try to not go in his room. But since he has had the shots the cries are worse. UGH
sorry I am rambling and soooooo tired......nightie night ladies
Re: Connor had a temp of 102
aww hope the little guy feels better!!
Those shots are cruel makes our babies sick :-(
Poor Connor I hate when Austin gets his shots, I'm constantly feeling his forehead and taking his temp for at least two days after and they always throw him for a loop sleep wise...
Oh do I have a story for you, regarding babies and manipulation! I had been running to Austin during the night at his every little whimper...I stopped doing that and would only go to him if he started crying hard and he started sleeping great when I did that...
Well, tonight, Tom and I put him to bed - I waited about 45 minutes to make sure he was down and then left to good grocery shopping. 20 minutes after I left, Tom said he started crying really hard....Tom went and calmed him and left the room and he started crying hard again....Tom turned the light on, because he thought for sure something was wrong and the little bugger started smiling this great big smile at him. So Tom put his hand on Austin's chest and said pretty sternly "Goodnight Austin. Go to bed." and left the room and we haven't heard a peep out of him since.
Anyways, my point - Austin now has figured out that the only way to get us to run to him is if he is crying hard, so he totally skips the whimpering now! Bah!
Awww, I hate shots. ?I almost threw a party when I found out there were no shots at Ben's upcoming 9 month appt.
I hope poor Connor feels better soon. ?Poor little guy. ?((hugs))?
Thanks guys! He is better this morning. We got shots every month and this has been the worst reaction so far. I was glad that I got to leave work an hour early to take him to the pedi then come home and cuddle with him, which was making him feel better. He still woke up a few times during the night but I figure tomorrow I will start going back to letting him go down drowsy and fussing to sleep if need be. I just couldn't do that when he wasnt feeling right.
Thanks again for the love!