A while back I mentioned that I was trying to get into the LPN program at a school nearly an hour away. After talking about it with the hubs, I've decided not to go through with it. I'd be spending 10 hours a week commuting to and from school [10 hours I could spend working, doing homework, or seeing the hubs]. We were also going to have to buy a new car before I started the program [my car won't make that trip every day], not to mention the cost of gas each week.
Since my ultimate goal is to become an RN, I've decided to go ahead and go that route. I've gotten over the fact that the college did a terrible job transferring my credits from Mizzou. I'm enrolling on Monday to take summer and fall classes to finish up the gen eds I need for the program. I'll be applying this fall and hopefully starting in January.
Re: Decisions [Nursing school related]
I hear ya on the whole decisions, decisions. Registration started today for summer & fall at my local CC. I don't know what path to take. Part of me just wants to stay at the CC and do the RN program there (1/3 of the cost, albeit will take at least a year longer to do), but then part of me say do the BSN now, you might need it later. But they both pay nearly the same to start.Then I have the whole "do I really want to be a nurse rather than figure out what is the next crappy job?" I wish I had the magic wand! Doesn't help that I am kinda burnt out on school right now too.
I think you going straight to the RN program will be better. You won't be repeating some of the same stuff as the LPN to RN program. I had a girl in my Microbiology class that is an LPN, working on her RN. She wishes she had gone straight to the RN.
I think you'll be happy with the decision. Commuting like that really wears on you - as if school isn't hard enough, mindless driving while tired gets old really fast. I bet you'll be glad for the extra time at home when you get into your routine.
Gotcha.... yeah... a move is in our long term plans as well... like at least 5-10 years away, if not 15-20. I never saw myself actually living in the QC, but I think that's where we want to settle eventually. DH says only if Deere can hire him on good... which is probally a long long time away. But we're content in the Peoria area.
I am NOT looking forward to my parents moving to Missouri in about 3-5 years. I see them enough as it is (1x a year), and there is a reason I don't want to see them more than that!
Where in Missouri would they be moving?
Funny story, Deere contacted DH about setting up an interview at the same time he was interviewing with CAT.