I had the BEST time yesterday afternoon/night! It was such a blast tailgating! DH's friend and his GF brought everything under the sun to eat from marinated beef and chicken, to veggie trays and chips with dips, to lobsters and steamers, fruit salad, and an obscene amount of beers that I got completely sh!tfaced with! LOL Then the game was sucky of course but it was still fun to be there and watch them be sucky. And yes we were in the FRONT freakin row on the 25 yard line, I totally got to see some nice patriot bums up close and personal! lol Plus the little door underground where they went at half time was RIGHT below us, it was so cool being so close! We got to give Pat a high five and everything! It was such an awesome time!! Just had to share! Here's some pics if ya wanna take a peek! =o)
don't think that top link works...
See, I need to get myself some Pats tix this year just for the tight pants...........LOL!
We were VERY CLOSE to getting a pair of tix to a preseason game from DHs work, but it didn't pan out. I was SO DISAPPOINTED!!!!