So I dillegently saved my quality (i.e., not yet compostable) veggie scraps to make vegetable stock. I kept them in a bag in the freezer, and once it was full I made stock per a recipe and froze it for later use in large canning jars. When I thawed one for a recipe last week, it looked nasty. I wish I had taken a picture. There was a film on the top, the stock was cloudy, and had bits of flemmy-looking junk floating around in it. Not cute brown slivers like in purchased stock, more like pond scum.
What did I do wrong? Is this how defrosted homemade stock should be? Do I have to use it right after I make it rather than freezing it? It looked delicious when I put it into the canning jars. TIA!
Re: Homemade soup stock question
sort of....mine isn't quite that cloudy or have too many floaties--but yeah once defrosted isn't as clear and pretty as when it first goes into the jar (or bag). Make sure to strain it really well, like through a chinois and cheesecloth. Also, I will put the entire batch of stock into a big bowl and refrigerate overnight. In the morning when all the fat has risen to the top I will scrape it off and strain again before freezing it.
ditto pp. When I take the container out of the freezer, if there is still gross fatty stuff on the top, I scrape it off with a spoon before defrosting.
Yes, I think veggie stock would be fat free. I mean, unless you used avocados!!
Strain with a cheesecloth first next time!