Hey guys!
I teach at a private school and never jumped through all the Florida "hoops" to get certified. (I started everything my first year tecahing, but then admin dropped the ball and didn't turn stuff in so my certification never happened) I am certified in Texas. (I grew up here, but went out of State for college)
Long story short, I'm going through the process right now. I have filled out the application online and I am getting my transcripts and duplicate TX certificate. How long does it take until I get certified? (I need to figure out about the fingerprints -- my fingerprints should be on file but I am not sure if I have to do them again)
Anyway, how long does it take for them to evaluate? (I know it varies, but is it weeks? months?)
Re: Teacher Certification Question
It took a while to get the actual certificate but I started the process at the end of June and was hired the week that school started and missed preplanning. You get the eligibilty statement that allows you to work. Once they had my application and I took the test that I had to take to teach, I had to go to orientation and get fingerprints...that didn't take too long.
Good luck!
Sorry to butt in but I was looking into certification and do you guys know what is needed to be granted a temporary certification when your major is not in education? (I applied but now I'm confused as to whether or not I did things correctly)
I just went to an information session in Seminole Schools and basically they said they encourage their principals not to hire teachers unless they have a bachelors or masters in education. I'm not sure that I want to go back to school (for a masters in education) at the moment. I def need a career change I don't want to work in real estate anymore and I've looked at other avenues and I always turn back to teaching.
My session today really discouraged me but they did say that the state allows you to teach if you pass the subject matter exam which I believe in my case would be elem ed.
Any info that you have will def help me out a lot. TIA
I don't want to sound discouraging. If you think you would really enjoy teaching, then go for it. It can't hurt to try. But I would think that it is really hard to find a teaching job right now (with all the teachers that lost their jobs due to budget cuts)...and that if you were not a certified teacher, you would be competing for an opening with a lot of certified teachers.
I can't help you with the requirements for elem ed certification. (Jacki might, since she must have gone through the process recently. I got my certification in mathematics 6-12. I did not have a bachelors in education and was able to obtain my temporary certificate without a problem (and was hired at a private school with just the temp). To get my permanent certificate, I needed to take 2 gen ed courses (pre-requisites that I had never had since I wasn't an ed major) and then had to take the test. (one part general - a lot of common sense questions, but many on child psychology and development, and one part subject specific).
Good luck!
Its ok I know its hard, but I have absolutely nothing to look forward to in my industry. I always wanted to teach when I was younger and I even started my degree in education but since I was working in a title company at the time and liked it so much I switched to business to one day own my own title company but obviously that has gone down the drain.
I work part time and have been for a year and a half, have no benefits, no vacation time and should I get pregnant or laid off I have no rights. For Seminole County they did tell me that my best way to work for the county would be to go into math or science in the middle school grades b/c there' s such a need I could pretty much get hired right away but I feel I work best with the younger children.
The good thing though is that I do still have a job (for now) so I have some time.
Thanks for your help! (I need the luck)