So Collin is two weeks old already and I can't believe how well things are going (knock on wood!). We have had an eventful couple of weeks between his birth, dealing with some jaundice, then me getting sick with mastitis, but now things seem to be smoothing out and we're doing well.
He is eating every 2-3 hours during the day and has been steadily adding more and more awake time to his schedule. I love it. Friday he started reaching for my face when I was laying down next to him and talking to him. At night we are feeding on demand and last night he slept for 6 hours! I am so happy with the schedule he seems to be falling into. Even if last night was a fluke he's been giving us 3 and 4 hour stretches at night and that is fine by me.
I know all of this is unpredictable and will change, but I am going to keep my hopes up that this is all a good sign for the future. FWIW - I was sleeping through the night for good at 3 weeks. Maybe he is just like his mommy :-)
Re: I am being spoiled with this baby so far!
What a good boy!!
He's adorable, Beth!
Aww...what a good boy!
And what a cutie too :-)