I'm co-hosting a shower for my cousin. She's having a girl and the shower will be at a house in May with fam & friends, coed & with children included. This was what they wanted. I was simply going to do more of a color scheme rather than a theme.
However, she recently commented that they would love something like the "Pimp my crib" baby shower I did for a friend a couple years ago. I just don't think this fits this couple nor do i think it's right for a baby girl.
But hey, I'm up for something more edgy. Any ideas you've seen out there?
Baby Bling is all that comes to mind.
THey are both very much into the music scene so that could be starting point. Maybe lullaby theme?
Thanks in advance!
Re: Unique baby shower theme - ideas?
Over the thebump's Baby Shower board, someone recently wrote about a Rock-a-Bye-Baby themed shower. I think that might be your perfect mix of music, pimping and bling. I would do a black/white/hot pink color scheme.
For favors, how about CDs of rock songs with "baby" in the lyrics?
You could have some fun rock star accessories lying around to get folks in the mood: dollar store sunglasses, necklaces, bandanas, headbands.
Rock a bye baby is perfect! And mommy to be loves it too. Except i'll keep to more of an oldies rock style. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!
Ohh! Oldies rock... love it. Have you ever seen those invites and save-the-dates that look like vintage concert posters? That could be cool. Maybe you can blow one up and have guests sign it. Afterwards, the parents can hang it.
Best of luck!