What are some things about yourself that people would find weird?? I'll start!
I don't/won't eat leftovers....have never liked them.
I have lived in Arizona my whole life and have never been to the Grand Canyon!
I have a lotion phobia. Meaning, I HATE the way it feels on my hands. I make my DH put my sunscreen and lotion on for me! LOL
I don't make our bed in the morning, but I have to make it before we get in it at night.! My DH is so annoyed by this!
Im laughing at myself right now.....oh lord!
When I am in a public bathroom(stall)...I tear away/throw away at least 5 squares of toilet paper first because I know the person before me touched with their hands to rip theirs off....does this make sense!?....
If I shower anywhere other than my own shower, I wear flip flops. I don't need others germs on my feet!
This is all I can think of for now.....Im sure I will think of more!
Re: Things people find weird about you...
OMG you havent been to the Grand Canyon! But that's common for people who were born and raised in AZ. I have been but I was like 8 years old.
I get what you are saying with the toilet paper, I do it too.
And I cant think of anything right now. Oh, when I eat a piece of bread, I have to fold it in half and smash it, then I eat it.
Click Me
haha I know its sad! Growing up, when my family took vacations we always went out of state....never took a vacay in Az! Im sure DH and I will venture up there soon!
LOL I totally do that with the tp!
Let's see...
-I have a crazy obsession with making lists and crossing things off on them. I'll make a "to-do" list and put things on it I've already done just so I can cross it off, I feel more accomplished that way.
-I like to find my hairs with split-ends and pick them off.
-I hate jelly - the texture is all slimy and weirds me out. But I love jell-o...even though its slimy too?!
-When I was little my mom would make me peanut butter and butter sandwiches since I didn't like jelly. I LOVED them. Now the thought of it makes me want to barf.
-I've never seen Star Wars. Any of them. I really have no desire to ever see them.
Umm...I'm sure I'll think of more, I'm a pretty weird person
Liz!!! Hi love!!! I missed you on here!!!
Ok so here is some weird stuff about me...
I pick off pizza toppings and only eat the bread part (DH eats the cheese and trades me for the crust lol)
I ALSO pull pieces of TP off before using it in public restrooms.
I have a nervous bladder and cant pee if I think others can hear so I flush constantly to make myself go
I share ice cream with my dog and my cat...I know its gross but I love them so I dont care
I dont check voicemails on my phone unless there are at least 2 on there...its a hassle if you ask me...just text if its important!
I get ready in my guest bath because I just never adjusted to sharing a bathroom with a boy!
This bothers the most people...I google spoilers to every book I read and every movie I see before I read/see it. I wanna know if its worth my time lol
Thats all for now!!
Hello dear! This post is such a good laugh! Seriously! Its always nice to know that others do the same things as you or have quirks as well! I LOL about your nervous bladder! I have a slight case of that too! I also hardly ever check my voicemails!
I have never seen Star Wars either..I also do not have the desire! I guess along with that, I have never seen any Harry Potters/read any of them..same with twilight
I totally just gagged on my trailmix when I read this-- my dog gives himself BJ's and occassionally licks his butt, I don't even like to let him lick me, let alone my food!
Here's mine:
1. I can't go to sleep or leave the house without the pillows and blankets on the couch completely straight
2. I have to fold my towels and load the dishwasher a certain way- if DH does it wrong, I will secretly go behind him and fix it
3. I can't mix my food- for example, if I'm eating mashed potatoes and corn with dinner, I can't eat both together, they have to be seperate
I'm sure I've got a ton more, but that's all I can think of right now!
OMG I'm dying laughing right now!
I'm OCD about planning. I almost always have an itinerary, google directions, a "day pack" if I'm out all day... just OCD.
I'm a HUGE "To Do" lister too Deanna! I too add stuff I've done to cross it off, it gives me pleasure.
I'm very fair skined, so HATE having belmishes/acne/uneven color, so I'm OCD about my facial cleansing schedule.
My DVD's are all categorized by genre and then in alphabetical order in the following categories: New Releases, Disney Movies, Family Films, Comedy, Action/Sci Fi/Scaryish, Romance/Romantic Comedies, TV Series, and last but most important, 80's faves
I can eat the same thing over and over- loving Kashi's Dark Mocha Almond granola bars.
I dislike my own bodily fluids- other peoples, I'm fine (AKA blood) but mine, if I see them out of my body I flip out and am disgusted. Thus why I will most likely pump, but not breast feed. Though, I have no problem if I see someone else nursing their baby- it's just a bodily fluid thing.
OMG. These are so funny and Erin, you made me laugh out loud! lol
Ok lets see...
I'm the same way with pizza...I don't like toppings and if there's too much cheese, I take it off. I love lots of sauce though.
I also can't let my foods touch! haha I used to have a place with separaters until I moved out. I would also use a different fork for each food...I don't do this anymore though.
I also make my bed before going to bed but not in the am! DH laughs and asks why I do it when it's going to get messed up anyways?! I can't help it.
I won't eat leftovers either except pasta and pizza. I think everything else is so nasty.
I don't like going barefoot in someone else house. It skeeves me out.
I can't have my dining room chairs out...they have to be pushed in at all times. If they aren't, I will make sure to fix them.
I dont' eat any seafood...I'm a very picky eater and always get picked on by my family for it (usually my Uncle the most).
I have to put my left sock on before my right and same for my shoes.
There has to be more but I can't think of them right now.
Let's see...
I always have to wash my hands before & after going to the bathroom. Also always before I eat, even in restaurants & other peoples' houses.
I always wipe down a public toilet seat w/the first few pieces of TP, then put more out on the seat before I sit down.
I really don't like animals, but want a Chihuahua cuz I think they're adorable & to take on walks w/me.
I hate feet & won't touch DH's. I hardly like touching my own. And when I have to do it at work, I always have gloves on.
I like tomato-based stuff, like sauces/ketchup, but I can't eat raw tomatoes or a big chunk of tomato.
I haven't read any of the books or seen any of the Twilight & Harry Potter series movies & have no desire to.
If my hair is all pulled back in a ponytail, I have to have a few strands of hair down over my left ear to kinda cover the fact that it sticks out more. I dunno if other people really can tell, but I can.
I pick meat apart like crazy! I can't eat any fat/grissel or "veins." If I find a vein or something in chicken, I'll tear it apart or eat around it.
That's all I can think of right now.
OMG I totally do this. I'm kind of anal about my house and things being in their places. I think sometimes my guests think I'm a complete nut job control freak.
Also, I'm very OCD about my clothes in my closets & drawers. They all have to be just a certain way & if they're not, I'll fix them.
I have to double-check my locks. Even if I know that I locked the door, I'll check it again before I go to bed or wherever.
I always save 1 bite of my favorite part of the meal, for last. I like to savor the best part of the meal, haha.
Hmm let's see...
I never wear matching socks, and rarely wear white socks for this reason. I have bad days when they match - so I buy variety packs and mix them up.
I'm crazy about making sure that the suede on our couches is "brushed" just right. I hate how messy looking it gets.
If I see one speck of dust on our TV, I go insane with cleaning the entire thing.
I never use the ice machine in our fridge door. I open the door and pull the ice straight from the bin.
I'm pretty weird. I probably won't post many things because you won't want to hang out with me!
I HATE remote controls touching me. I have no idea why. DH thinks it's hilarious to put one touching me or on me while we're watching tv. NOT funny!! haha
Every time I go to the bathroom, I inspect my face for new pimples or blackheads and pop those. Or look for new eyebrow hairs and tweeze those. Oh and since I've been off BC I now have some beautiful new dark chin hairs that have popped up, so I look for those too.
I only cook pop tarts in the microwave, and I cook them on 33 seconds, and take them out when there's a second left. It's not the same to me if I just do it for 32 seconds. This is ridiculous I know. I just remembered because I made pop tarts for breakfast.
I hate fuzz balls on my socks. If I'm wearing them and sitting on the couch there's usually a little pile of fuzzies on the floor...and it usually results in holes in my socks.
I HATE dirty feet and clean mine with wet wipes about 5 times a day. It makes me cringe when people have dirty feet!!!
Ok, this weirdo is done making herself look weirder.
- When I was younger I would put ketchup on everything?. Even a tuna sandwich
- I can?t stand to hear people chew their food, even if their mouth is closed. Cj isn?t the mouth open chewer but I can?t stand when I can hear him chew. I am like this even with my self.
- I too get ride of the first 5 to 6 squares of TP before I get mine. And I usually you TP and she seat cover before I sit down.
- When using a public bathroom and other people I know are in there as well I don?t like them
- I don?t like to make the bed in the morning but I love to have it made right before I go to bed J I see I have a few things in common with others on here.
- I love making to do list and having at least two to three things already completed so I feel like I am getting somewhere. But my list never seems to go down because I am always thinking of more things I need to get done.
- I have to have things in a certain order and I can always tell if someone or something has move stuff around and I have to fix it before I move on.
- I have to wash my hand before and after using the restroom and usually anything I am near a sink and soap. I don?t like the thought of germs at all! Lol
- Heather you and I have this one in common! I like tomato-based stuff, like sauces/ketchup, but I can't eat raw tomatoes or a big chunk of tomato.
- My clothes in my closet are separated as follow? bottoms and tops, then the bottoms are sorted by color then the colors are separated by length and or type of bottom(i.e. pants, skirts, shorts) and the usually will go longest to shortest. Then the tops are the same, separated by colors then the colors are separated by length of sleeve again longest to shortest. I can not stand when they are out of order. Lol
I am sure I have a ton more but I can?t think of them right now?
Ohh more!
I can't eat mac and cheese without ketchup. I'm talking the boxed stuff - which I never buy - but if I had to eat it, I would need ketchup. I also eat eggs with ketchup.
I don't touch raw meat. So if I am cooking it (which I rarely do) DH has to come and get it out of the package, trim and get it in the pan.
I have issues using other peoples showers or when other people use our showers. I won't even use ours after someone else has, until I've washed it...which is sucky because we use the guest shower now since our master shower makes me claustraphobic.
I'll readjust my ponytail by taking out the elastic and redoing it about 15 times a day - even though it doesn't need it.
Hahaha. This is so funny. I can?t believe so many of you make up the bed before you lay on it. I'm very quirky so I'll just mention a few things... .
This is a fun one!
-I HATE ketchup. I put mustard on my fries, burger, etc. instead. I always get funny comments from family and friends.
-I have a thing about chicken. I kind of dissect it. I won't eat fatty, veiny, or just funny looking pieces. My husband thinks I'm nuts with this one
-I hate seafood, all of it. The texture creeps me out.
-We always bring leftovers home but I will only eat them if they are pizza or pasta, never meats.
Haha. I do this too!! Plus I seriously marinate my chicken before cooking it b/c I think chicken stinks. My dad won't even eat chicken for the same reason.
HAHA These 2 make me laugh. The 1st one...I do the same thing!
The microwave one is hilarious! Can't set the time for 32 seconds! HAHAHA
I am afraid of feet. I don't just hate them, they freak me out. *When I was little my sister took all of our barbies and chewed their feet off, and I found them in a box under her bed*
I too check my face for new blackheads, random hairs, eyebrows, etc, about 30 times a day, I'm obsessed. After having my son, my hair growth has gotten completely out of control all over my body. Disgusting.
I watch Gilmore Girls at least twice a day. i've seen ALL of the episodes about 5 times, but I still can't help but watch it.
I never answer my phone unless its DH or my mom. I wait for people to text or leave a message, if I don't receive any of these, I stress about what they wanted and end up texting them.
That's all for now because I'm tired!!!!
I HAVE TO eat my m&m's by color, in a certain order. Um yea. And people find it odd that I live my life so openly online (as well as promote other photographers and businesses). Maybe they are just really selfish or I'm just way too nice, but I love helping others My husband thinks its weird that I hate feet. I love my babies feet and that's about it. Feet gross me out
LOL I do this too! I sort them by color, then eat them alphabetically by color (so Blue, Brown first... etc) BUT I always save Green for last.
Ok, so I HAVE to have the toilet paper roll over, not under. If DH puts the roll on wrong, I fix it.
Also, when I eat skittles, I have to eat 2 at a time and they have to be 2 different colors.
I totally put ketchup on my eggs.
I make lists for everything, but instead of putting things on that list that I've already accomplished...as soon as I cross something off I have to rewrite the entire list (minus the crossed off thing).
I'm sure there are more things...I'll have to keep thinking.
Love this post!
I'm a total list maker--I think we've all made this one normal.
I have to have at least 3 projects going at once or I can't finish any of them.
I never sit in public restrooms and always flush with my foot--can I tell you how challenging it is taking 2 little kids into the bathroom and trying to keep 'em off stuff!
I cannot cannot touch the cotton that comes in medicine bottles--fah-reaks me out! I avoid it like the plague.
This one is pretty wacked--when I'm bored I count the syllables in words that people say on my toes. I like even syllables so that both feet get a fair count....
I cook things for a 'double number' too, 44 seconds, 22, 33 etc--then I don't like the beep to go off--so I try to stop it with one second left!
I do this too. But I save the brown ones for last.
You ladies are so funny. I read all of them and I was like Hey, I do that and I do that and that. Lol. We are a cool crazy bunch!
Click Me
Oh, and when I get my dog or cat new water, i have to rinse the bowl out 3 times. I'm really weird and OCD about some things. It just doesn't feel right if I only rinse 1 or 2.
I'm OCD about my bedtime routine too. Wash face, brush teeth, etc. If I haven't done everything I can't go to sleep. Even if I'm dying sick I still have to do everything
Ditto. This is the reason I usually order fish or a vegetarian dish when we go out with people. DH, my family, and close friends are used to seeing me do this, but I'm a little self-conscious when doing it in front of people I don't know very well. But, I'm not so self-conscious that I won't do it. Blech.
I love PB&J sandwiches, but only on fresh white bread. As far as I'm concerned, if a loaf of bread is more than 2 days old, it is only fit to make toast.
All the clothes in the closet need to be facing the same direction for me to be able to function throughout the day. If I catch DH hanging up a shirt the wrong way, I make him turn the shirt around on the hanger and rehang it. If I don't catch him in the act, I'll just do it and secretly think that he hung it that way just to bother me--even though I know he doesn't. He considers it a mark in the "win" column if the damn shirt just gets hung up.
I won't answer my cell phone unless I recognize the number.
I'm sure DH could make a list for you that's a mile long, but that's all I can think of right now!