Thanks so much for thinking of me today girls. It was a pretty good day. I think it made it a lot easier that she was up with me this morning and I was able to feed her and play a little before I left. I use to always be out the door by 7....but I left about 20 minutes later than usual just to have that little bit of extra time with Kaelyn. She did great with my mom today (and I knew she would) was a bit strange being away from her, but I have to say I did enjoy the adult conversation for a change. The whole pupmping thing is going to be a challenge as I only had time to pump during my lunch (pumpec 5 0z)....but I also pumped 10 oz when I frst woke up at 5:30AM so she had more than enough milk for the day. She only took 2 5oz bottles while I was gone.
Re: I made it