Has anyone run a half marathon/event for a Chicago-based cause?
I'm thinking of running my first half marathon ever - the Chicago Rock and Roll half - and am researching causes. I think I might want to run for a cause for the extra motivation. I'm leaning towards one in particular right now but I wanted to see what else was out there before making a final decision. I'm mainly concerned because the one cause I'm looking at has a minimum that would need to be raised (which I expect they all have). But, they will charge my credit card the difference if I'm unable to meet that minimum (a bit nerve-racking/problematic for me since I'm pretty poor right now).
So - anyone done this particular half with a cause? Anyone doing it this year?
Also - do you have any thoughts on raising money for a cause in general? Is it better to just do this myself and skip the cause the first go-around (does the cause really provide that much extra of an experience that it's worth it for a first timer, or is it more difficult in that it's easier to be overwhelmed)? Any ideas/suggestions/advice?
I know this is kind of a broad post with a lot of questions, but I'm new to all of this, so any input is appreciated!
Re: Half Marathon Question(s)
I ran a half for Autism Reasearch one year.... and ran about 4 other half marathons, one full, and other 10 mile runs as well.
Most of the donation pages, have a link where you can post it on your facebook, so your not really asking for money right out, but people that see it can donate. I didnt have a problem reaching the minimum. Also many employers will match contributions as well.
if your worried about not being able to reach a minimum, you could just do it on your own and dontate the money independantly once your done training.