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Getting To Know You (GTKY)
Let's pick it up around here!
1. Name
2. Where do you live?
3. How did you and DH meet?
4. Favorite restaurant to eat at with DH?
5. If you won $1million dollars, what would you do with it?
6. Who cooks, you or DH?
7. Who cleans?
8. Name one thing DH does that really annoys you.
9. Any vacations planned for this summer?
10. What kind of car(s) do you drive? Do you like them? (this is a shameless question for me - we're going car shopping this weekend and I need some more ideas of stuff to look at!)
Re: Getting To Know You (GTKY)
1. Name Deanna
2. Where do you live? Cave Creek
3. How did you and DH meet? we were introduced by a friend, he grew up with her and she was my first friend at college
4. Favorite restaurant to eat at with DH? Olive Garden (because it was where we first went out to eat together haha!) or El Encanto - I love the atmosphere
5. If you won $1million dollars, what would you do with it? Pay off our house, buy new cars, give some to family, donate some to charity, and save the rest
6. Who cooks, you or DH? if I'm at work, he cooks and and has it ready when I get home. If we're both home we do it together. Very rarely do I cook all on my own!
7. Who cleans? I do.
8. Name one thing DH does that really annoys you. He never shuts a drawer all the way. His dresser drawers are always sticking halfway out and it drives me nuts!
9. Any vacations planned for this summer? We might go to Vegas or Disney for DH's birthday. Maybe a small trip to San Diego in there too!
10. What kind of car(s) do you drive? Do you like them? I drive a Honda Civic and I love it, but its 2 door and we're hoping to have kids soon so that wouldn't work too well. DH's car is a beat up Hyandai Elantra and is costing more in repairs than its worth, so we're looking for something kid-friendly to replace his car with.
1. Name: Nicole
2. Where do you live? Mesa
3. How did you and DH meet? Blind date
4. Favorite restaurant to eat at with DH? Benihanas
5. If you won $1million dollars, what would you do with it? Travel
6. Who cooks, you or DH? Both equally
7. Who cleans? Both equally
8. Name one thing DH does that really annoys you. Leaves the room to talk on the phone
9. Any vacations planned for this summer? Vegas in May, DC in June, Minnesota in August, maybe a weeked trip or 2 in there as well
10. What kind of car(s) do you drive? Do you like them? I drive a 2009 Nissan Rogue and I love it!! DH drives a 2006 Nissan Altima and he loves it...we are a Nissan family lol
1. Name
2. Where do you live?
3. How did you and DH meet?
Craigslist - I posted about a football game in the Rants and Raves section. I hated the Patriots and he loves them so he emailed me and we went back and forth for a while... The rest is history!
4. Favorite restaurant to eat at with DH?
Hmmmm any that we have a chance to go to, haha! We don't get to do that very often anymore.
5. If you won $1million dollars, what would you do with it?
Buy a house, and 2 new cars. Then my husband would invest the rest of it.
6. Who cooks, you or DH?
Mostly me, but he has a few things that he makes by himself.
7. Who cleans?
That is split right down the middle. I do the dishes, laundry, picking up toys/junk. He does the vacuuming, the bathrooms (there are 3). We both do counters and such. Chad does trash and recycle stuff.
8. Name one thing DH does that really annoys you.
Leaves his socks EVERYWHERE!!
9. Any vacations planned for this summer?
We're going back to New England for a week in July :-)
10. What kind of car(s) do you drive? Do you like them? (this is a shameless question for me - we're going car shopping this weekend and I need some more ideas of stuff to look at!)
I drive Fred - a 2002 Dodge Durango. I love it but he's getting old and up there in miles so next year we'll be trading him for a newer Durango I think.
Carl drives Ruby - a 2008 Mazda 6. He loves her so far. We just got her a month ago so we dont have a lot of reviews other then the gas mileage is great!!!
1. Name: Sharon
2. Where do you live? Tucson, AZ (my husband and I are both from Phoenix, and our wedding was in Phoenix, hence how I ended up on the Phoenix nest)
3. How did you and DH meet? High school - first day of school, freshman year - he sat next to me in Geometry. We didn't date until college though (although, he tried in high school!)
We were long distance dating (I was at ASU, he was at U of A), and broke up after about a year. We got back together in 2004.
4. Favorite restaurant to eat at with DH? Rocco's (a Chicago style pizza place in Tucson), or Outback - since it is my favorite restaurant
5. If you won $1million dollars, what would you do with it? Probably buy a new house, fix it up (if needed), buy new cars, take a nice trip, and put the rest in savings.
6. Who cooks, you or DH? We both do. He does all the grilling, I make certain things, and he makes certain things. It totally depends on the meal.
7. Who cleans? We both do, but he usually washes the dishes by hand that don't go in the dishwasher. We have our own chores, and we both work together to do major cleaning.
8. Name one thing DH does that really annoys you. He LIVES in white t-shirts and these ugly black athletic shorts (like basketball shorts) when he is at home. I feel like I never see him in "real" clothes.
9. Any vacations planned for this summer? Not really. I would like to maybe go spend a long weekend up north in the Show Low/Pinetop area in a cabin or something. Otherwise, no plans.
10. What kind of car(s) do you drive? Do you like them? We have two Honda Civics. One is a 2007 and the other is a '99 (my old car). We need to replace the old one desperately, but my work situation has changed, and it doesn't look like I'm going back to work next fall. So, we have to wait longer. I really want a Honda Pilot. The '07 Civic is good. Great gas mileage, much roomier than my old Civic, and runs well, and also pretty inexpensive. But not big enough for a family, we've learned. It's ok, and we make do, but I definitely want something with more room before number 2!
1. Name ? Jenn
2. Where do you live? Surprise AZ
3. How did you and DH meet? We met online a little over two years ago.
4. Favorite restaurant to eat at with DH? Macaroni Grill or Red Robin.
5. If you won $1million dollars, what would you do with it? Build my dream house on an acre or two J then with the left over money I would pay off my family?s houses
6. Who cooks, you or DH? We cook together?. always
7. Who cleans? Again, we clean together, I find it gets done much faster and Cj has learned my version of clean versus his lol
8. Name one thing DH does that really annoys you. Umm? This is tricky because I wouldn?t say that it annoys me but he talks in his sleep so I am fascinated by what he says when he does and then never remembers in the morning.
9. Any vacations planned for this summer? We usually don?t take vaca?s in the summer because of CJ?s job that is his busy season but we are going on our honeymoon in October J but we don?t know where because my parents are planning it for us as their wedding gift.
10. What kind of car(s) do you drive? Do you like them? (this is a shameless question for me - we're going car shopping this weekend and I need some more ideas of stuff to look at!)
I drive a 07? Hyundai Elentra and I love it! I get about 30-32 mpg highway which is good since I drive about 32 miles one way to and from work. J
CJ has the 01? Ford Expedition (side note? he thinks this is going to be my mom mobile when we have kids lol) and it is pretty nice for being older but not my dream car
1. Name Delilah
2. Where do you live? Prescott, AZ
3. How did you and DH meet? At the county the ticket line, when I was 13. Yes, just like the Tim McGraw song. Cheesy, I know.
4. Favorite restaurant to eat at with DH? Mon Ami Gabi in Vegas
5. If you won $1million dollars, what would you do with it? Pay off our house, give my parents a little bit and save the rest.
6. Who cooks, you or DH? Me. The only cooking DH does is BBQ.
7. Who cleans? Me too. Ugh. Although, he does work crazy long, hard hours, so I feel like it's the least I can do.
8. Name one thing DH does that really annoys you. We can never make plans on Sundays during Nascar season. It drives me batty!
9. Any vacations planned for this summer? Yes. One is a surprise for DH's 40th and the other is a road trip with DS. My mom and I are going to the Miss USA Pageant at Planet Hollywood next month.
10. What kind of car(s) do you drive? A Hyundai Elantra. Do you like them? (this is a shameless question for me - we're going car shopping this weekend and I need some more ideas of stuff to look at!) Sort of. It's great on gas and it's kinda cute, but I'm really over it. I got it new in 2007 and it was a really practical purchase. I'm ready for something fun! I would love to own a Mini or a Beetle. Unfortunately with a growing boy, I have a feeling a small SUV is in my future.
1. Name Nia
2. Where do you live? Phoenix
3. How did you and DH meet? we accidently met on
4. Favorite restaurant to eat at with DH? Save: Outback. Slurge: Quessence at The Farm.
5. If you won $1million dollars, what would you do with it? This might be stupid, but all that's on my mind right now is organizing my entire house. So, I'd hire a pro. Why stupid? B/c I could have said, buy a new house that's bigger and "start over." lol
6. Who cooks, you or DH? I do. DH warms up leftovers and calls it cooking. Does that count?
7. Who cleans? I usually do.
8. Name one thing DH does that really annoys you. Just one??? Ok fine... when he drinks water and makes a really loud "gulp" sound and it REALLY bothers me. He says he can't help it, but I know he can.
9. Any vacations planned for this summer? IOWA... woo hoo! Visiting the ILs.
10. What kind of car(s) do you drive? Do you like them? (this is a shameless question for me - we're going car shopping this weekend and I need some more ideas of stuff to look at!) I drive a Nissan Murano. It's a love hate relationship with my car. I usually love it, but it has given me SO many problems (mechanical) I likely will not get another Nissan. DH drives a Chevy Silverado and LOVES IT. He says his next truck will also be a Chevy.
1. Name Jennifer
2. Where do you live? Chandler
3. How did you and DH meet?
4. Favorite restaurant to eat at with DH? The Keg or Sushi Eye in Chandler
5. If you won $1million dollars, what would you do with it? Pay off the house and take a looong vacation
6. Who cooks, you or DH? Mostly me
7. Who cleans? Both, but again, mostly me
8. Name one thing DH does that really annoys you. He never puts anything away when he's done with it!
9. Any vacations planned for this summer? Unfortunately, no.
10. What kind of car(s) do you drive? Do you like them? (this is a shameless question for me - we're going car shopping this weekend and I need some more ideas of stuff to look at!) I have a 2009 BMW 328 Coupe (love the employee lease rates I get!) and DH has a 2005 Nissan Xterra with over 100K miles and still going strong!
2. Where do you live? N. Scottsdale
3. How did you and DH meet? Chemistry class in college
4. Favorite restaurant to eat at with DH? Anywhere, we never get to go out
5. If you won $1million dollars, what would you do with it? Pay off all debt, buy a house, new car(s), college money for Ry, etc. Boring stuff.
6. Who cooks, you or DH? Me
7. Who cleans? Him
8. Name one thing DH does that really annoys you. Mumbles. Constantly, I feel like I'm deaf half the time constantly saying "what?!" "huh?!"
9. Any vacations planned for this summer? Not really a vacation but Ry and I are going home for June through August. DH travels all throughout summer for festivals
10. What kind of car(s) do you drive? Do you like them? (this is a shameless question for me - we're going car shopping this weekend and I need some more ideas of stuff to look at!) 2007 Chevy Cobalt. I love it, but it's a two door so it's hard with the baby. And it has two recalls right now, so I'm not excited about that. It's my second car, and I love it like it was my first.
1. Name-Vanessa
2. Where do you live?-Chandler
3. How did you and DH meet? My friend met him on MySpace and we met up, they didn't click and we did.
4. Favorite restaurant to eat at with DH? Olive Garden, love Italian food. Or Bj's/Rock Bottom.
5. If you won $million dollars, what would you do with it? Pay off ALL of our bills, including our parents, buy a house, buy maybe a new car and then do some traveling.
6. Who cooks, you or DH? Me.
7. Who cleans? Me but DH takes the trash out, I don't like that job
8. Name one thing DH does that really annoys you. When I tell him to do something, he doesn't.
9. Any vacations planned for this summer? Disneyland May 1st, Cruise in May, Boston in June and while there maybe hit up New York and maybe another cruise in November. We wanted to try Ireland but with the Volcano, all US Airways flights are cancelled. Sucks but oh well.
10. What kind of car(s) do you drive? Do you like them? A Saturn Ion. It's ok, I wish I picked another but it's my first car, I bought myself so I am proud of it.
Click Me
1. Name Erin
2. Where do you live? Chandler
3. How did you and DH meet? At work
4. Favorite restaurant to eat at with DH? Sushi Eye or San Tan Brewery
5. If you won $1million dollars, what would you do with it? Pay off debt, go on vacation, buy a bigger house
6. Who cooks, you or DH? 95% of the time, I do
7. Who cleans? We split it, probably 70-30
8. Name one thing DH does that really annoys you. When he shaves he doesn't clean up really well, it drives me crazy!
9. Any vacations planned for this summer? Maybe a quick weekend to Huntington Beach or San Diego, but that's it this year
10. What kind of car(s) do you drive? Do you like them? During the week- a Honda Accord, it's ok (it's paid off and gas is cheap, so I'm not complaining!). On the weekends we usually drive the hot rods- a '32 Ford Roadster and a '57 Chevy Pickup, LOVE those cars!!!
1. Name - Jaye
2. Where do you live? Peoria
3. How did you and DH meet? We were both talking to friends through an online chatroom and ended up crossing paths. I was 13 at the time. Craziness.
4. Favorite restaurant to eat at with DH? Oreganos - we just seem to always have an awesome time there.
5. If you won $1million dollars, what would you do with it? Pay off student loans, buy myself a new car and invest the rest.
6. Who cooks, you or DH? Me
7. Who cleans? Both of us.
8. Name one thing DH does that really annoys you. His gum chewing drives me crazy, and he's not even that loud with it - but it drives me NUTS.
9. Any vacations planned for this summer? I'm taking DH up to Canada to visit my hometown and spend Canada Day in the capital!
10. What kind of car(s) do you drive? Do you like them? (this is a shameless question for me - we're going car shopping this weekend and I need some more ideas of stuff to look at!) Ugg I want a new car SO badly, it's killing me. I drive a 2003 Camry XLE - LOVE it, I honestly don't ever picture myself driving anything different (just year upgrades), DH drives a Saturn of some sort - all I know is it's a 2002, but it's a great car.
1. Name: Shawna
2. Where do you live? Gilbert
3. How did you and DH meet? An online dating site
4. Favorite restaurant to eat at with DH? The Keg or Icon Grill in Seattle
5. If you won $1million dollars, what would you do with it? Buy a house, pay bills, take an awesome vacation, buy new cars
6. Who cooks, you or DH? Me. DH can burn water.
7. Who cleans? Mostly me. I'm trying the "I cook, you clean up" approach. It works out 50% of the time.
8. Name one thing DH does that really annoys you. Picks at his fingernails
9. Any vacations planned for this summer? I want to go to WA for a friend's wedding in July. DH & I plan on going back up there together in August. Another friend is getting married in Hawaii in October, which I am trying desperately to figure out a way we can go. So, nothing really definite. Other than a trip up to Seattle.
10. What kind of car(s) do you drive? Do you like them? We both need new cars, so this won't help you much, but I drive a Chevy Cavalier & DH drives a Toyota Celica. Though, since we carpool, we really only drive the Celica.
1. Name- Jenn
2. Where do you live?- Laveen- LOVE IT
3. How did you and DH meet?- We were in a wedding together, he was the Best Man, I was a Bridesmaid
4. Favorite restaurant to eat at with DH?- hmm... it sounds cheesy but we LOVE to get take out from Grimaldi's or PF Changs and eat at home cuddled up together (eating on the couch is more of a treat then eating in a restaurant to us).
5. If you won $1million dollars, what would you do with it? Honestly? Take it all and start a Foundation to help High School seniors achieve higher education.
6. Who cooks, you or DH? DH- I'm an aweful cook.
7. Who cleans? Me- since he often cooks, I do a lot of the cleaning
8. Name one thing DH does that really annoys you. um, he's SO shy, sometimes in social settings he follows me like a lost puppy- but he's getting MUCH better.
9. Any vacations planned for this summer? Ugh- ask me in 10-14 days.
10. What kind of car(s) do you drive? Do you like them? I drive a 2009 Nissan Rogue that I love. We just bought it in November. DH drives a variety of cars (his parents have 4, so he is always just driving one). Most of the time they stink (his parents buy cars at auction and fix them up). We're buying him his own dependable but eco-friendly/budget friend car (probably a corolla or civic) this summer.
Haha! Not exactly fitting under your description of "reliable"
Just because Ray banned it from the freeway... it's totally safe! ;-)
1. Name? Lacey
2. Where do you live? Goodyear
3. How did you and DH meet? Through friends
4. Favorite restaurant to eat at with DH? Bamboo Club
5. If you won $1million dollars, what would you do with it? Spend some, save the rest.
6. Who cooks, you or DH? Me, I enjoy cooking
7. Who cleans? Me
8. Name one thing DH does that really annoys you. Sometimes he can be looking right at me and not hear a word I'm saying.
9. Any vacations planned for this summer? Hawaii in May!
10. What kind of car(s) do you drive? Do you like them? (this is a shameless question for me - we're going car shopping this weekend and I need some more ideas of stuff to look at!) Toyota Corolla and I love it!
1. Name Kristen
2. Where do you live? East Mesa
3. How did you and DH meet? eHarmony
4. Favorite restaurant to eat at with DH? Sakana in Mesa! We love it there, and always sit at the bar where Dai serves us, and gives us freebie samples!
5. If you won $1million dollars, what would you do with it? Pay of student loans, buy a new home, open up a cafe/giftshop.
6. Who cooks, you or DH? both
7. Who cleans? both
8. Name one thing DH does that really annoys you. He is nosey! Nosey nosey nosey! He asks whom I was on the phone with all the time! Why does he need to know everything? LOL!
9. Any vacations planned for this summer? Maybe the annual visit to the ILs in PA, and maybe a trek to Vietnam, we shall see, I need a job first!
10. What kind of car(s) do you drive? Do you like them? We both bought new cars in January, both Dodge. Mine is the Dodge Journey 2010, his Dodge Avenger, we love them and are reliable. I had a chevy Aveo, which I got into a terrible accident in, and I feel so much safer in this vehicle, and feel more grown up! Its great for a puppy, and big enough to fill with kidos, when that time comes.
1. Name Stacy
2. Where do you live? Tempe
3. How did you and DH meet? Through friends -a very long story cut short
4. Favorite restaurant to eat at with DH? Oh man...we try not to go to the same places since ther are so many here!
5. If you won $1million dollars, what would you do with it? I'd pay off all my debt, buy DH a new car, buy a really nice house and then buy my parents a vacation home here. lol
6. Who cooks, you or DH? DH
7. Who cleans? both of us
8. Name one thing DH does that really annoys you. He chews SO loud. He says he can't help it but it drives me crazy...anyone that chews loud, it makes me want to vomit.
9. Any vacations planned for this summer? Trying to work out San Diego for our anniversary and possibly Vegas in June if I'm not pregnant.
10. What kind of car(s) do you drive? Do you like them? (this is a shameless question for me - we're going car shopping this weekend and I need some more ideas of stuff to look at!) Toyota Corolla and I love it. We also have a Suzuki Rodeo that we may have to get rid of becuase it won't pass emissions and it's too old to fix. Anyone got a cheap but good car they want to sell?
1. Name Kristie
2. Where do you live? East Mesa (way East!)
3. How did you and DH meet? His BFF married one of my good friends.
4. Favorite restaurant to eat at with DH? Texas Roadhouse
5. If you won $1million dollars, what would you do with it? Move back to Sonoma County (California)
6. Who cooks, you or DH? both, but he is WAY better!
7. Who cleans? Me
8. Name one thing DH does that really annoys you. Plays with his junk
9. Any vacations planned for this summer? Going to Seattle
10. What kind of car(s) do you drive? Do you like them? (this is a shameless question for me - we're going car shopping this weekend and I need some more ideas of stuff to look at!) Acura TSX and love it, but it's not ideal for a family
This drives me CRAZY too! and CJ says the same thing... that he can't help it... lol
1. Name Megan
2. Where do you live? Sun City (near Surprise but not the Sun City where the old people live)
3. How did you and DH meet? a party his fraternity held
4. Favorite restaurant to eat at with DH? Hmm we like Fez, Ticoz, and this Mexican place in Surprise called Rio Mirage (I think that's the name)
5. If you won $1million dollars, what would you do with it? It's a good thing you are asking me. I would buy a new car, do some projects on the house, go shopping, take a vaction and hire a nanny.
6. Who cooks, you or DH? Mostly me. But DH has been cooking a lot more recently because I'm lazy.
7. Who cleans? Again, mostly me (although in DH's defense he does all the yardwork). But he's been helping out a lot more inside lately because I end up in pain after cleaning one bathroom.
8. Name one thing DH does that really annoys you. He'll leave clothes laying around the house. Hello, the back of that chair is NOT the clothes bin.
9. Any vacations planned for this summer? If by vacation you mean a trip to the hospital to have a baby, then yes. Yes, I'll be vacationing at the hospital in May. But I think you mean a vacation to some place fun, and no we will not be doing that.
10. What kind of car(s) do you drive? Do you like them? (this is a shameless question for me - we're going car shopping this weekend and I need some more ideas of stuff to look at!) I drive an Acura RDX. I love my car. LOVE LOVE LOVE it. It's sporty, it's got a decent amount of space, and I think it will work well with us considering we have two dogs and a baby on the way. DH drives a Jaguar X-Type. It's a nice car but it's useless if he needs to take the dogs some place like the vet (it won't fit a crate in it and I hate having them just buckled in the back). It's not a car that has a great backseat if that's important to you. But it's paid off and does have good trunk space.
Click Me
1. Name Kim
2. Where do you live? Mesa
3. How did you and DH meet? We went on a mission trip to Kenya together
4. Favorite restaurant to eat at with DH? Dave and Busters
5. If you won $1million dollars, what would you do with it? Pay off debt, buy a house, and save a bunch
6. Who cooks, you or DH? mostly me, he mans the grill
7. Who cleans? Pretty much all me since I'm not working right now
8. Name one thing DH does that really annoys you. He stops talking in the middle of a sentence and never finishes until I ask!
9. Any vacations planned for this summer? We're going to disneyland next weekend and to NH in July for a wedding for sure.
10. What kind of car(s) do you drive? Do you like them? (this is a shameless question for me - we're going car shopping this weekend and I need some more ideas of stuff to look at!) I have a hyundai accent which has been perfect since it gets good gas mileage and I usually drive alone. DH has a Honda Civic which he loves but its definitely not baby friendly since it's 2-door.
1. Name? Beth
2. Where do you live? Mesa
3. How did you and DH meet? Online in an AOL chatroom in highschool
4. Favorite restaurant to eat at with DH? Logans or Red Robin
5. If you won $1million dollars, what would you do with it? the responsible stuff, save money, pay off debt, buy a new car put money towards the mortgage, but DH would probably talk me into doing something fun with some of it
6. Who cooks, you or DH? Normally me, he grills though
7. Who cleans? Normally me, he tries to help, but it doesn't always work that way
8. Name one thing DH does that really annoys you. That he doesn't really hear me when I tell him things
9. Any vacations planned for this summer? Hopefully our honeymoon to Costa Rica, we're thinking June, if we can every afford plane tickets
10. What kind of car(s) do you drive? Do you like them? (this is a shameless question for me - we're going car shopping this weekend and I need some more ideas of stuff to look at!) I drive a 2000 Ford Focus, it's nice and has been dependable for the miles it has, but Im ready for a new one. DH drives an 89 Honda CRX, with over 300,000 miles-he loves it, but is a Honda guy and we only have minimal issues with it
1. Name Shelly2. Where do you live? Glendale3. How did you and DH meet? at church4. Favorite restaurant to eat at with DH? um, we NEVER go out, so um anywhere :)5. If you won $1million dollars, what would you do with it? CAn we have it all tax free-I like that :P 10% to church/charity (100k), pay off the house (250k), put in a pool (25k), sensible stuff-college funds (300k), invest/save (300k), take a fun trip (25k). Then I'd not have a house payment so with the extra money every month I'd always treat the person behind me in the drive thru, buy dinner for a stranger at a restaurant and shop at Anthropologie...6. Who cooks, you or DH? Lately neither of us much, but in general me (and I'm not much of a cook)7. Who cleans? Mostly me 8. Name one thing DH does that really annoys you. Sup-er Procrastina-tor! Like Everything! Gah!9. Any vacations planned for this summer? Nada10. What kind of car(s) do you drive? Do you like them? (this is a shameless question for me - we're going car shopping this weekend and I need some more ideas of stuff to look at!)DH-a 2002 Honda AccordMe-a 2008 Chrysler Town and Country MiniVan with blue flames down the sides--lurve it!
1. Name Kate
2. Where do you live? North Phoenix
3. How did you and DH meet? 3rd Grade
Started dating in 8th grade and have been together ever since.
4. Favorite restaurant to eat at with DH? Chilis or a little Mexican hole in the wall we found called Chuy's.
5. If you won $1million dollars, what would you do with it? Spend a little for a nice vacation, pay some bills, buy a few things we need and invest the rest for retirement.
6. Who cooks, you or DH? Me but when we get our grill hubby will!
7. Who cleans? Me
I handle the inside and he handles the outside.
8. Name one thing DH does that really annoys you. Smokes, he's working on quitting now though for me and the baby.
9. Any vacations planned for this summer? Nothing yet, might do a long weekend in Vegas. Last one before the baby comes.
10. What kind of car(s) do you drive? Do you like them? (this is a shameless question for me - we're going car shopping this weekend and I need some more ideas of stuff to look at!) I have a Jeep Grand Cherokee and hubby has a Toyota FJ Cruiser. We really love both of them
2. Where do you live? COLUMBUS OHIO
3. How did you and DH meet? ON OSU'S CAMPUS
4. Favorite restaurant to eat at with DH? LEMONGRASS (SUSHI)
5. If you won $1million dollars, what would you do with it? BUILD MY DREAM HOME AND BUY A VACA HOME IN GREECE
6. Who cooks, you or DH? BOTH
7. Who cleans? BOTH
8. Name one thing DH does that really annoys you. SNORES. LOUDLY!
9. Any vacations planned for this summer? JUST MOVING ACROSS THE COUNTRY TO SUNNY AZ!