Green Living
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Help me find the Charlie's love

I bought a bag of it and ever since I switched (about 2 weeks ago) my laundry smells like old water. We've never had any staining with our CDs either until now. Am I not using enough? Too much? Some secret I'm missing?

I usually use 1 tbsp  and vinegar in each wash.

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Re: Help me find the Charlie's love

  • KLF01KLF01 member
    Third Anniversary
    That's the same amt I use. I put the vinegar in a rinse cycle with my CDs and don't use any vinegar for other laundry. We switched to Rockin Green and are using that (just wanted to try something new) but I just bought some Charlies so we will be going back to it...I hope it works for us again. Depending on your water, it might pay to try a little more detergent or try w/o the vinegar. GL!
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