Our house was a foreclosure and the front and back lawns had already completely gone to weeds before we moved in. We've just been mowing the weeds to keep them down.
We've gotten estimates for putting in sod (2-3K), and one landscaper said we'd also need to remove 6-12" of soil to remove the weed bed (more $$). We don't want to spend the money right now, but don't want our neighbors to hate us, either. Even if we didn't do lawn (which SO really wants), we'd need to spend a considerable amount to remove the weeds and put in something nice.
The yard in front is roughly 800 sq ft. I daydream about hoeing out the weeds little by little and planting grass seed, but I suspect this is a silly approach. I don't want to spend more than 1K on the front yard at this point. Advice?
Re: XP: Managing/replacing weedscape?
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