So my son has a friend from School who is moving to Peoria this coming weekend. It was his friends birthday on Saturday so the Mom called and asked if Chad could go to dinner and a movie (How to train your dragon) with them, and then stay the night and go to Castles and Coasters on Sunday... Sure, no problem.
Today, while cleaning up, I find a ticket to the movie Kick-A$$ in the garbage. That movie is rated R. She took my 12 year old to a rated R movie with out even asking me. The kicker is that she asked if he could go with them to see HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON...
So, my 12 year old first off lied to me because when he got home yesterday, I asked what he watched and he said the Dragon movie. I asked if it was any good, he said yeah, it was cute but left it at that.. After I found the ticket today, I asked him with my mean "mom voice" and he admitted he saw the Kick-A$$ movie. If he would have told me the truth yesterday, I would not have been mad at him because what is he supposed to do, say no sorry... bring me home I cant watch this...
I dont know what to say to the mom, if anything. I am beyond mad that she would do that. He has seen some Rated R movies before, but Carl and I watched them first before him. Ugggghhh.. I mean, you dont bring someone elses kid to a rated R movie with out asking do you???
Re: So, who does this?
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Can't wait to meet my baby boy!
Um yeah. I'd be pissed. Seriously. He's 12. It's not up to them, or him whether or not he should see an R rated movie.
Maybe the Dragon movie was sold out? I know, it's a stretch, but just trying to find any scrap of a reason why in the world they would think it was appropriate to see an R movie.
Shawna, I dont think that is the case. Chad said (and Chad lies a lot so who knows) that the dad suggested it and supposidly they asked him if he was aloud to see Rated R movies. Chad said he said "i dont know, probably not" but that they got the tickets anyways. If the parents were going to go as far as ask him if he was aloud, you would think they would say "call your mom and ask her".
I would NEVER dream of bringing someone's child to a rated R movie. Especially when that child was 12 years old..
Carl thinks that when the boys got to the movies, they probably saw the poster for it and asked if they could see that instead and if the mom asked Chad, that he probably said he could watch them. Which still, I would check with the other parents personally, since I mean, she did specifically state that they were going to the dragon movie. It's not like she left it up in the air as "we're going to a movie" you know...
And now that I think about this more, I know i've told his mom he cant watch rated R movies because when Jeremy slept over here one time I asked his mom if there was anything he was aloud to watch / not watch / eat / not eat and it came up in conversation that Chad did not watch R movies...
Maybe I am over reacting but I dont know. I just am really ticked about it.
I would be livid.
I think I would call and want an answer to why she thought this was okay.
I would be upset, but I would simply just call up the parents for their side of the story. Even if Chad told them, "Oh, my mom won't mind if I see it," the parents shouldn't have just taken his word for it, they should have called to ask your permission.
Yeah, I figured it was a stretch. Wow. I would really be upset too. Chad was in their care for the evening, it's their obligation to be responsible and follow through with what they said they were going to do. Like you said, it's not like they left it open to what movie they were going to see. I just told DH about it, and he would be mad too.
As far as what to say to the mom? I don't know... Will Chad be seeing this friend often anymore, now that they're moving? I'm not much help with that part, as I tend to be non-confrontational, and leave that for DH. I know--I'm mature like that.
umkay--can I give a really long round-a-bout answer? First, I would so not be ok with this...
So right after I had Lilly (hello hormones) Gary went to this REALLY BIG church youth event with some friends--we're talking thousands of kids at this giant church where they drop light sticks from the sky and it snows for a weekend night event. His friends were all spending the night at another friends house--he was coming home. Two of the 'so-called' friends took his cell phone, made a bunch of random calls to his other friends, and left him there.
They went home and my kid was there with no way to contact dh when he went to pick him up--let me emphasize the ginormousness of this church. Luckily, another friend found him for us and dh was able to pick him up. While the lost child/cell phone drama was coming to a close I called the main friend's mom about the phone that was now at her house. She acted like I was nuts for explaining my frustration and irritation with the situation. I was SO upset with her lack of compassion and her reaction. So my mom called to go over and get the phone--remember I was at home w 2 babies. The kid's parents proceed to cuss my mom out and hang up on her! It was a ridiculous situation and the drama went on and on. They were awful to everyone involved and basically accused my son of being the bad guy. Needless to say, we aren't exactly fb friends
Long story longer...other kid's parents are nuts! Nuts! I personally would never take someone else's kid to a rated R movie, though I feel like the bigger issue would be if they (the ones that are supposedly over 18 and have some modicum of maturity) did it on purpose. I would (try to calmly) call the kids parents and attempt to make a joke--"So that dragon got trained to Kick a$$ huh? Interesting?" I dunno Jess...if you're not going to really see them again I wouldn't make a huge deal out of it, but I'd still call them (once I was calm bc I'm just a wee bit neurotic) and I'd def talk to the Chad-ster about it. Sorry for the uber long response/practical post hijack. Send him to my house and we'll make him watch Mary Poppins with Gary muahahahahaha
Okay- I don't have kids- but this is just wrong, why, because even I wouldn't go see the movie Kick Ass!
I agree, once calmed down a little, I'd call the kids parents and ask for an explanation- then you can hold those accountable that need to. Did the parents even go (I'm assuming they had too, because unless your kid looks REALLY old, he couldn't buy the tickets himself). Or does he have an older sibling that could have taken them? I admit, I as an older sibling have done this for my younger sibling, as have my cousins done for me.... BUT they weren't parental units.
Yeah, the parents went. No older sibling buying the ticket. They went to the 1015 showing to boot which kind of makes me mad too..
LOL they could have at LEAST defied your wishes and gone to a matinee
This makes me wonder if they knew ahead of time they wanted to see Kick Ass- just because it being a new movie, would have been sold out. I saw How To Train Your Dragon this weekend- there was no sell out...
That parent was totally out of line. They have NO business taking your 12 year old son to an R rated movie. If they want to do that with their own kids, well, I don't agree with it, but their kid, their choice. I would be super pissed in your situation.
I would call and calmly explain that you found the ticket stub doing laundry, and that you do not allow your 12 year old son to see R rated movies, and request that they do not take him to one in the future. And that if plans change, they would appreciate a phone call to make sure things are ok, especially in regards to an R rated movie. Maybe the kid is moving, and it is not a huge issue, but maybe (hopefully) they will think about it with the next kid.
I would also sit down and talk to my kid about lying to me about it, and figure out some sort of an appropriate punishment for the lying.