Central Florida Nesties
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No, we don't have a name picked out. We just call her Baby A. because our last name starts with an "A". We have a list of about 8 names I think right now, but none of them are really jumping out at us. It's a lot tougher than I thought it would be!!
Where did you end up buying a crib?
Re: -- Mrs.DMC --
Oh...the name game is hard. I always associate names with people I know. I dont want to repeat a name of any of my friends or friends kids names and I have a big family and dont want to repeat any of those names either. Than of course with all the guys I work with, I associate names with them...some good, some bad. unfortunatly all the jerky guys I work with have the good names. Ugh....We'll see. Right now we have it narrowed down to one but we haven't committed to it 100% yet.
We got the crib at Target. We didn't want a really expensive crib since we have other plans for a toddler bed. We decided on the Graco Lauren crib. The cool thing was we saw a news story about it a few weeks ago and some people did an additional durability test on all the big name cribs on the market...they were suprised that the Graco Lauren crib held up the best they even tested Pottery Bran cribs...it was the least expensive crib they tested.
We looked a few times at the Targets near us and than finally found it at the 2nd Target we tried in Orlando...so Yay....we have our crib! it is a dark espresso color.
What are your crib plans?
Are you referring to the convertible crib? If so, we had looked at that one!! I never saw any reviews about it though, so I didn't know what to think about it. It looks like a nice crib though! I'll have to tell my husband about the news story about it though, maybe we'll head back there to check it out again. I saw some reviews about another crib they had there and there were reports of many injuries and then it took 2 years for a recall to be made about it. That just really turned me off and we stopped considering buying a crib there. But that happened a while ago and I'm sure that things about the cribs have been changed for the better.
About the name thing.. we both have large families too, so it's hard to not repeat names that we like!! My husband has 11 nieces/nephews already, and one of the names I have always liked is the name of one of his nieces, so that name is out the door. Then there is another name I have liked but our friend had a baby girl with the same name up in MN and the little girl died last year of SUDC, so that name is out the door as well. I wouldn't want to associate our girl with their little girl, just too sad. I have a ton of cousins and the majority of those cousins have kids already and many of the top names I like are already picked. There is one name that I have liked for like 10 years, but my husband thinks it's boring. Oh, and our last name is kinda difficult for people to spell and pronounce, so we don't want a difficult first name as well. I don't want our little girl to have to spell out her full name every single time to people.
People tell me that she will grow into her name, and that whenever we pick will suit her just fine. I just assumed the name picking would be super easy.
Yes, it is a convertable. I was worried about the safety ratings too. All cribs on the market have passed safety tests. As far as recalls...well, that could happen with any crib. If it did take the manufacturer 2 years to recall a crib(thats not Targets fault) it is because they need to have enough evidence to support that the crib(put together properly) is guilty of a certain amount of incidents.
It was funny because we had already decided on the Graco before we saw that news story and when we saw it we were so happy. Remember...it was not a safety test...it was durablility. They had a simulator that was simulating a 30 lb child jumping repeatedly for 10 minutes or something like that.
We figured the crib will end up with stickers, crayon/marker markings and scratches everywhere so no way were we going to spend more than a few hundred on a crib.
She will definitly grow into her name. Whatever you pick will suit her great. Do you go on the 2nd Tri board at all. There are always inspirational name posts on there. I have been enjoying that board lately. Just think...in another week and a half its off to the 3rd Tri board...ahhhh!
*butting in*
I'm actually happy we're having a boy this time around because we could NOT agree on ANY names for girls!
I really like Amelia (Mia for short) but my hubs was not as impressed.
The crib Deb picked out is really nice...I checked it out this weekend online
And she's right about the stickers and the crayons...I'm sure that Zach will end up coloring his set and then we'll be screwed :P
I put a Holly Hobbie sticker on my bed when I was little! I'm sure our little girl will do the same thing. Very good point!!
The crib that was listed online with the recalls was one of the Simplicity ones, and they were sold until May 2007, and had an older style of hardware and the drop-side was installed upside down. 1 million cribs were affected. You can find the news stories about it online pretty easily. At least they found out why the infants had died and why they were injured and the problem is fixed.
I check out the 2nd tri board once in a while, yes. I didn't realize we were so close to the 3rd tri already!! Wow.. time is really flying by!!!
Steph, I love the name Amelia! That name has been mentioned in our home! :-) It's been written down in our notebook of names already! Mia is such a cute nickname, isn't it???