I swear, I feel like a zombie. I just can't sleep anymore! I can not get comfortable and then I end up feeling like I'm going to pass out at my desk every day.
On Sunday night, I was able to sleep for 45 minutes straight (a record for me lately). I woke up to Paul shaking me. Apparently I was having a bad dream where I was screaming, and I was literally screaming out loud in my sleep. Poor guy thought I was having the baby right there in bed After that, I wasn't able to get back to sleep.
Then I fell asleep in the bathtub last night for 45 minutes and woke up to my husband standing over me, staring. I see my maternity leave happening very, very soon at this rate...I just can't function properly without sleep. And I know I'll be without sleep after Zach is born, but at least I can nap when he naps.
Re: I just need SLEEP.
Do you have a recliner? It used to be a common place in peoples' homes, but not so much anymore.... but anyway, I had a friend that had similar problems, and although she didn't get a wonderful sleep there, she at least was more comfortable than in her bed.
I hope you start feeling better soon, but I'm guessing it's going to take Zach making a personal appearance for that to happen.
Hang in there!
Awww that sucks :-(
Hopefully the lack of sleep will catch up and you just clunk out... (hopefully at home and not at work...lol)
I am sorry you are getting no sleep. The U shaped pillow was magic for me when I was big. : ) I'm getting a lot less now though... : (