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do you like your diva cup? I've been weighing getting one when my cycle returns...can you give me pro's/con's?
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Re: **Jaye**
I LOVE mine! Warning: TMI alert ahead.
Honestly, I have no cons regarding it. A lot of people find that it takes a few cycles to get it positioned right to avoid leaking. I never had this problem - but then again I researched the HECK out of this thing before I purchased it.
Pros - It's a one time purchase. No more buying pads/tampons. I never have to worry about having something on hand because my DC is always ready. It's soft and I feel it less than I did a tiny light flow tampon. It holds more so I don't feel like I need to run to the bathroom every few hours to check for leaks. If you do go for it - which I suggest you do - take it slow and read the directions well before attempting it. It's really easy to put in and get out though. Also, I feel like my period doesn't take as long to run it's course. I think this is because a tampon plugs, so there isn't a consistent natural flow and thus takes longer. With the DC this isn't an issue.
Ahk! I love it. Seriously. Best invention.ever.
thanks, I've really been considering it, and since doing TCOYF I'm more than comfortable with my body.
but we use a diaphragm so I assume that it is going to be pretty similar to that as far as putting it in.
Do you feel like it is a problem when you are out and about as far as cleaning/dumping? It won't be too much of a problem for me since I SAH but for when I am out, I'd like to know.
Stacy - it has a small stem at the bottom, so all you do is reach in and twist that to release the suction. Then pull it out with the cup facing up, and tip it into the toilet when you get it out completely. I find it easy to grab the bottom of the cup and ignore the stem, but either way works.
I was considering going to the ER to have them get it out. It was the worst two minutes of panic ever. Then I smacked myself, breathed and tried again.
I freaked the first time I tried to get it out because I couldn't do it.
Christina - Yes, TCOYF really got me comfortable with my body, so this wasn't a big step after checking cervial fluids
For the most part I don't ever need to empty in public restrooms. I just do in the morning in the shower and when I get home from work. I have felt like I needed to empty it at work before though (had a leaking feeling - which turned out to be nothing) and I just took a damp paper towel in with me, emptied it, wiped it out in the stall and put it back in. Then washed with soap when I got home. No biggey!
Hmmm, kind of freaks me out a little! I've read TCOY but I don't check my cervix so maybe that's why I'm freaked. I'm scared of 1) getting freaked like you did of thinking I can't get it out 2) leaking and cleaning it in public if need be.
I think I may have to research this a little more.
What does that stand for?
Can't wait to meet my baby boy!
Taking Charge of Your's a book about Charting, your body, how to know your body more, etc.
I think checking your cervix is a great way to know when to BD! It's not bad when you start doing it!
Would it be weird if I read that if we're not TTC yet?
Can't wait to meet my baby boy!
lol, i was thinking the same thing Stacy but i didn't know how to word the question and WORD on never having to by tampons again lol
I asked the same question on facebook to the girls and they said that it wouldn't hurt. It just helps you get to know you body as a women and what it is doing. So i figured it couldn't hurt right...
We're not TTC and we chart for BC.
The DC is really not that bad once you get the hang of it. I freaked out for less than two minutes and it has worked like a charm ever since then (about 6 months). All I had to remember was that you can bear down to help ease it out for better reach.
The public restroom thing should never really be an issue. Unless you have a MAD crazy heavy flow, you can get away with only emptying it at home. Plus, if you're concerned about it, you can wear a light pad for the first cycle to see if you have issues leaking. But it's really easy to tell if the seal hasn't been made, so leaking shouldn't be a problem if you check the seal.
Nope, I think it's important to just know your body first. We used it to avoid before we got pregnant.