It's the topic of the day
I think sometimes everyone needs a little encouragement to be a little bit more green. Since Earth Day is this week, I don't feel bad shamelessly plugging our planet - which I do on a daily basis anyway.
So if you're looking for some encouragement, or need a little push for you DH/SO, these are some things that really opened my eyes.
Wall-E also hit a soft spot for me. I know it's a cartoon, and Disney...but seriously, that movie had some really awesome points about humans in it.
For the more clean food eating ---There is Food Inc. Skinny B!tch was a great book but a little bit heavy on the vegan lifestyle. For a more level headed and scientific look at how to eat right - YOU on a Diet is also great.
I try and focus a lot on what I can do to help out this place we call home. It's the only place we've got and it is irresponsible to not at least try to be better.
Just my 2 cents.
Oh and go see DisneyNature's Oceans this this weekend! Disney is donating a portion of the first weeks proceeds to save the coral reef.
Re: Green Encouragement
Your library might have it! That way you can save the rental fee We watched it online through netflix. Such a huge eye opener!
I don't know much about this movie, but I just added it to my instant queue. Thanks for the info!
Can't wait to meet my baby boy!
this is totally me too sister!
They don't, I checked