South Carolina Nesties
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Seriously, will it ever end???
I did learn an important lesson today. When they say tornado warning, they mean it. I was 2 miles away from the one in Clemson when it touched down and I continued to drive around running errands. What a surprise I had when I got home and watched the news...
Re: Rain, rain go away
Wow this is crazy! I've never lived in a tornado prone area... any tips?
We didn't do a darn thing about the storm... just unpacked boxes and listened to the thunder/rain/wind.
What should we be doing again exactly??? And when do you know when it's "time" to take shelter?
I wonder if my homeowners insurance covers tornados? Do most?
We almost all got ushered to the basement. OH well.
I'm just glad they sent Brian home for the day yesterday. He'd been working at Clemson but they said since it was rainging so hard he wouldn't get much done so to just go home...luckily. He would've been working in Clemson OUTSIDE with no shelter. whew.
But we also had a lot at our house too...kinda creepy but all is well...
my grandma got flooded out of her home....
Mrs Z, they usually run a warning ticker on the local TV stations and do the emergency broadcast thing on the kinda keep an ear out. I just turned the TV on while i was cooking dinner last night so I would know if anything got too crazy. We don't really get a lot of tornadoes around here, so there's not much to worry about, but if we do get one, they advise that you get in your basement or an internal room or hallway with no windows.
A lady I know has a daughter who jumps in the bathtub and puts a matress over her head, but I think that's overkill...unless her dog's name is Toto.
Haha ok, it sounds like our fall-out shelter will be the half bath on the ground floor. We don't have a basement, and that's the only interior room downstairs.
I'll have to start paying more attention to those warnings!
Before living in SC, I lived in Iowa, Arkansas, and Kansas. I grew up knowing when you hear "tornado warning" they mean business. I had no clue until one of my friends texted me. I turned on the news at about the moment they were telling people in Duncan, Lyman, and Welford (right between Greenville and Spartanburg) to take shelter. Luckily I don't think one hit near my home but it was crazy.
Everyone remember the big one that hit Atlanta a few months ago? My sister-in-law was staying in one of the hotels that got hit that night. My husband and I had tickets and hotel reservations to go to a hockey game that following week when he heard that Phillips arena got hit by a tornado! So we were glued to the TV to get updates. It wasn't until someone mentioned being in town for the dental convention that I realized my sister-in-law was down there! She definately had more excitement than she planned on!