Hi girls! I know I'm not around these parts much, and am mostly a lurker, but I got some really rotten news this morning and need to vent. Feel free to pass on this thread if you don't want to hear my whining, but if you stick around, I could sure use some happy thoughts, prayers and all around good vibes sent in our direction.
DH was just told that his job is pulling out of town on May 31st. There is no "new" job on the horizon for him to transfer to either, so basically he will be unemployed. I am freaking out! We live up here in Prescott where finding a job is virtually impossible these days and the cost of living is horrendous. We are carrying extra large balances on our credit cards at the moment due to a recent move and a health care expense that wasn't covered by insurance. There is no way we can survive on just my income and the measly amount of unemployment he would get. If you all could please send along some new job wishes for us, they would certainly be appreciated!
Oh, and he is a foreman in industrial construction, as well as a certified welder....you know....in case anyone hears of any openings anywhere. He is willing to commute to the valley or further North is he needs too. We'd even consider moving...again....but my father's health is not very good and I am afraid of leaving him at this point.
Anyhooo...I know this post is rather scattered, but I just had to put it out into the universe. Thanks for reading if you made it this far.
Re: Just need to vent...and could use some happy thoughts.
Aww, I'm sorry. It's never easy to prepare for losing a job but the good thing is that he has until the end of May to try and find something else
I lost mine back in NY in Feb. 09. I was terrified but it definitely opened a LOT of doors for me and it was probably the greatest thing to happen to me!
So, as they say, when 1 door closes, another opens. Keep your heads up.
You guys are in my T's & P's.
I am so sorry that you guys have to deal with this. On the bright side, at least they let him know ahead of time so that you guys can scrimp and save as much as possible.
I don't know of any jobs but I will keep my fingers crossed for you guys. It will all work itself out, somehow!
Thanks girls! I know once the initial shock wears off I will feel better, but right now I am totally freaking out! Y'all are the sweetest and your comments have calmed me down a ton already.
I feel lucky that we do have some time, but suddenly I can physically feel every tick of the clock. Just last week we were thanking our lucky stars that we both have managed to come through this recession nightmare virtually unscathed and have both managed to stay employed and now this! There are so many of our friends and family who are out of work and losing their homes....I'm so afraid of that happening to us.
I totally understand your fear...that's normal!
Maybe start looking at other options...like is there something that either one of you loves to do and could maybe do it on the side for some extra cash? I know a girl who lost her job but loved doing Graphic Design so she started her own company and she loves it.
We are here for you! :-)
I'm actually a graphic designer! I work full-time for a jewelry supply wholesaler, as their Art Director and freelance on the side. At the moment, freelance jobs are hard to come by, but you better bet I will be out pounding the pavement trying to drum up some extra cash.
You guys are in my T & P! My BIL lives in Prescott w/ his wife and daughter, and he was unemployed for a verrry long time b/c of how few jobs are available.
Can't wait to meet my baby boy!
Well, how ironic! lol Well, she started creating wedding invites, all kind of cards, bachelorette party cards, bridal shower stuff, etc and selling them on Etsy. She loves it and she's getting a LOT of hits. Have you ever thought of that?
<a href="http://s4.photobucket.com/albums/y126/wayfastwhitegirl/?action=view
Thanks again girls! You are all seriously THE nicest and most supportive bunch of ladies around!
I'm doing a bit better today. The initial shock is wearing off and DH and I sat down last for a bit and discusses a few different options. I know in my heart of hearts it will work out, but I do have to admit, I'm still scared.