Keep in mind, I'm green at being green. I am slowly making changes for a happier and healthier life for me and my world, and I am taking it one step at a time.
So about the shower, I was at the hotel and I hadn't brought my own bath stuff so I used the hotel bar soap and a towel, then it hit me: why don't I do this at home?!! It may (okay, does) sound elementary to a lot of you, but I decided that getting rid of that plastic scrub poof thing, and no longer purchasing body wash in a container would be TWO less plastic things in my house unnecessarily. It's something else that's very little that I can give up and make another dent in my carbon footprint. I know that the earth didn't stand still that day, but I feel so good knowing that I can make changes that are so minute, but can make a real impact.
I just thought I'd share with all of you, cause you guys were the first thing I thought of when I had this epiphany, and hopefully people new to the green journey can benefit. It's not just about driving a Prius, or joining a co-op. There are little things in our everyday lives that can benefit from a green makeover that can really add up!
Re: I had an epiphany while showering at a hotel
You know, that is a good point, bar soap = less plastic. I really hadn't thought of that. I'm still working on giving up my scrubby poof!
Same here, we use a foaming pump of Dr. Bronners in the shower. If I need to exfoliate, I use a homemade sugar or salt scrub.
Oh yeah, bar soap is way scummier than liquid. I'm looking up ef soap scum cleaners to combat that. I thought about Dr.B's liquid, but that's still a plastic container, so I'm going to the store today to shop for a yummy scented bar!
Glycerin soap leaves less scum than regular soap.
And there are many good smelling glycerin soaps.
It's generally cheaper than fancy body wash, too.
If I use liquid soap I use it with just my hands. My skin breaks out easily and puffs are nice little germ houses. I don't even usually use a washcloth.
Liquid soap also uses more energy to ship because the added water adds weight.
I just don't shower!
Just kidding. I gave up on the plastic poofs, and I did switch over to liquid soap. I travel quite a bit, which would require a plastic soap dish or ziploc (neither of which I want to buy). The plastic container is recycleable, where as the plastic wrap around the bars of soap are not.
This thread is funny- it shows different ways of looking at the same issue of trying to be green. At least we all care enough to have thought this out.
YES...the poofs have SO much bacteria in them. We had to do domestic samples for my microbio class back in college. When I looked at my slide from the poof...nasty!! I started using bar soap the next day.