Hi everyone!! I have been MIA for a little while, but think it is time I come back! I kind of took a "Nest break" while going through IVF to kind of regroup and get my head straight, but then I realized I missed the Nest and who better to go through it all then with this group of girls......so I am back!!
We are getting close to our egg retrieval (probably this weekend). I had an unltrasound yesterday which showed 2 follicles on the right and 3 on the left. Also a bunch of smaller ones which may grow bigger by my next ultrasound Friday. I am getting a little nervous, hoping that it works out. I think with everything else (IUI's, etc.) I always knew there was another step that we could take so I didn't get as nervous. Now I realize that IVF is really the last step as for me having our own baby so that makes me a little nervous, but I am staying positive that it will work!
Re: Re-entering the Board!!
YEY!!! I'm so happy to see my secret sis' posting - WOO HOO!
Though I may not know too much about what you are going through first-hand, I am pulling for you! Please keep us posted on how everything goes, ok?
keeping my fingers xed for you!!!!
and welcome back!
Welcome back!
Good luck w/ the egg retrival. I will be sending you lots of baby dust!