Hey guys! I need some advice. I bought my husband a very blingy wedding band. Before our wedding, he told me that with that kind of ring there would be certain places he wouldn't be able to where it because he would be concerned with damaging it and possibly losing some of the diamonds. In particulary the gym, and any sports he plays because he once had to have a ring cut off his finger due to a hand injury from playing sports. He's a super active guy and after some reluctance, I agreed because I wanted him to have a really nice ring to match mine.
Ever since the wedding (one month ago tomorrow), it's like he keeps forgetting to put the ring back on from the gym or from sports he plays. So the other night, he went to the Miami Heat playoff game and I noticed that he forgot his ring in the ring cleaner. Should I be bothered?
Re: Wedding Ring- On or Off??
Well, it seems like you already are bothered otherwise you wouldn't be asking this .
Unless you think it's on purpose for some malicious reason, I would try not to let it bother you. He is your husband and that isn't going to change whether or not a ring is on his finger. He sounds like he typically wouldn't be a jewelry guy, so it may take some time to get used to. Or, maybe he will never get used to it. Either way, I think the ring is just that, a ring. It's a material possession.
I can definitely see why this would bother you, but since I am currently in your husband's shoes, I can tell you that it's not a big deal.
DH NEVER takes of his ring, mainly because it doesnt have anything fancy on it and he rarely does anything so intense that he would have to take it off (with the exception of the rare gym visit,lol). I, on the other hand, live a very active life and I'm always taking it off and forgetting to put it back on. He's mentioned it to me before, but I always tell him that my ring doesn't make me "more married".. and he agrees
I am in the same boat as la la. I'm a massage therapist and I can't wear mine to work. So I wear it when I'm off or if I know we are going out together. He gives me crap about it, but he understands.
I thought this was ironic so I had to share...
Last night I asked my DH when he got used to wearing his ring and I realized he wasn't wearing it lol. I asked him how long it had been and he said it's been almost a month since he had it on!! He plays guitar for work and can't wear it while he plays so he took it off and forgot to put it back on. He doesn't even have it at home, it's at his studio!
I laughed because I honestly didn't even realize. He said he was surprised it took me so long to notice lol.
DH does not wear his ring to work since it will get all scratched up. But he does normally wear it when we go out. I wear me ring every day since there is no risk of it getting damaged at work. But I take it off as soon as I get home.
I must admit that I do like for DH to wear his ring when we go out. I love how it looks on him.