but it looks like my computer has gone the way of the dodo.
DH has assured me that all of my hard drive is perfectly intact, it's just a hardware issue- but coupled with the variety of co-pays we've had recently and DH's birthday/our disney trip this weekend, I will be sans internets during the days for a bit as the fundage just ain't there to fix my comp ATM. Plus, it's probably a blessing in disguise that it's kaput.
Hopefully, I will be able to log on in the evenings to check up on things. Not sure, as the only working comp. in the house is now DH's work computer until he can install the new stuff into his "play" one and he is, quite diligently I might add, working 50+ hour weeks right now and for the forseeable future. In the meantime, everyone stay well and healthy and I will take plenty of pictures of Disney. Send me all of your hurricane avoidance dust.
Re: I know you'll all be bored stiff...
Have a great time in Disney (& don't over do it). I am crossing my fingers that Gustav doesn't interfer.
I hope your computer is fixed when you get home, so you can share all your pics & tell us all about it!
I know you'll have a great time Heather!! I'm hoping that the weather is huricane free! I can't wait to see pictures!
Tell Rocket hello at your breakfast..and June!
I'll miss chatting with you on IM. Fix your darn computer!
This is completely unacceptable!
Have a good trip if we don't talk before then!