I am starting grad school in the fall and I would love to get an ipad as a "gift" to myself for getting accepted. I was wondering if ipads, or their competitors nook/kindle, will definitely be getting textbooks soon. Ipad says it is in talks with publishers but do you think that they will have every book from that publisher if the agreement goes through? I'm not in a completely obscure major (speech pathology) but it is not as common as a bio book etc.
So my question is: How likely do you think it is that ipad/nook/kindle will have textbooks this fall? And how wide of a span do you think the books will cover (all textbooks published, best selling textbooks, etc.)?
Re: Textbooks on ipad/kindle/nook
You best bet would be to take a look around some websites. The Kindle site (kindle.amazon.com) has (obviously) lists of what's currently available, and some publishers sites might give information about what's coming.
Unless someone who posts here actually works for a publisher you're not likely to get a reliable answer. You'd be better firing off some e-mails.
We'll just not tell H about this little fact, m'kay?
I'm not presently in publishing, but I did work for 5+ years in textbook publishing. I can confidently say that major textbook publishers (Pearson, McGraw-Hill, Wiley, Bedford, etc.) are very interested in publishing texts for iPads and Kindles (I'm not sure about Nook). Any publisher who decides to publish titles for the iPad/Kindle will likely publish for as many titles as possible going forward.
That said, I sincerely doubt that they will publish iPad editions for backlist titles (i.e. anything already published). Titles that are revised regularly may have iPad versions when the next edition is published.
I wouldn't anticipate a ton of books for graduate level speech pathology to be available immediately for any eReader. While I highly recommend eReaders, and the Kindle specifically based on personal experience, you may not get much use from it for your studies. I would urge you to look at the speech pathology titles available through the Kindle and see how the match up with the books generally used by instructors in your program before you make a final decision.
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