Hello Nestie Besties,
Just wanted to say thanks for all of your well wishes and concern for us lately. We are doing really well in our little nest-Daddy is taking great care of us. Gus is getting bigger and cuter every day, he's such a sweet little guy. We really have everything we need (even food! lol!) and are enjoying just staying tucked away with him right now. Maybe its PP hormones, but I really have no desire to do anything but snuggle with him all day long.
Our Pedi recommended that we hold off on visitors for awhile since Gus was 3 weeks early; just to give him a chance to catch up and not be too overwhelmed. My Dad is coming sometime next week; and blessedly, my IL's aren't coming till June.
I was thinking we could have a smallish, intimate GTG at my place in June so you guys can meet the baby. Nothing too overwhelming though. What are your thoughts on that?
Miss you all! See you soon!
Re: Hi Ladies!
Hi there!
So glad to hear everything is going so well for you and Gus! Snuggling sounds like a great way to spend your time these days! I'd love to have a little GTG and meet him but my parents are visiting from May 25 - June 17 so if you have the GTG before the 17th I probably won't be able to make it.
My amateur photo blog
Hi Mama! I'm happy to hear that you are all doing well. I would love to come down for a GTG. I'll be in CA for the first half of June, so I can't make it those weekends.
Give Gus a kiss from me!
TTC #1 since May 2010. BFP #1 - 5/31/10; m/c on 7/22/10
Started seeing RE in August 2011
5 IUIs: BFN; IVF #1 - Success! BFP - 7/25/12
Hi Scarlett! So happy to here all is well in newborn land! Can't wait to see more picturse of little man!
I'd love a low-key GTG! June is sort busy for me...gone the weekend of the 25th, and busy in the evening of the 5th (Starlight Run? and maybe going camping the weekend of the 12? Gosh...I'm busy!
Therefore I vote for the weekend of the 18th/19th or the 6th. Because I want to meet Mr. Gus!
Learning to start all over again... Blog
Isn't that Fathers day?
I'm sure Mr. Scarlett wouldn't mind a bunch of girls stealing his son on his first fathers day, right? But in all seriousness, good call-you're right! It is, so we probably should choose another day!
Learning to start all over again... Blog
I had no idea : )
Visit my blog about my family's experiments in eco-living
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I like that date. It's the day after my birthday. Which means that I should be the only person to hold Gus, right?