to clean.
I hate cleaning. Like, literally, cant stand it. But i do love how things look when they're clean.
So, how do you ladies do it? What do you do to make it fun????
Do you do it all in one day, so that you're not taking time every day?
Or do you have a different chore every day of the week?
Do you have a chart or something to tell you when to clean things?
Gosh, i just need a different routine. It seems like i'm only motivated when we're having people over (which is pretty often, luckily for my house), but it seems like i could or should be doing stuff more frequently.
Also, how often do you clean things? it seems like i dust, and then two days later it's back, and that just annoys me, and gives me lack of motivation...
anyways, help me!
Re: Give me motivation...
I clean every Thursday (bathroom, kitchen) and Friday (dust, vacuum, mop). I do dishes everyday and laundry when I have a full load. I can't stand dirty dishes in a sink. It stresses me out so that's my motivation. DH works crazy long hours and I only work part time so I do all the cleaning, plus he's not as thorough as me! I know he really appreciates it and tells me often so that motivates me. I usually turn on some music and get going. Once I start, I actually enjoy it because I love seeing a clean home. I feel relaxed on Saturday when my house looks good. I'm really weird, but I love using my green products so I get excited for that. Yes, I know I am weird LOL
One thing that really helped me was just thinking about cleaning in a different way. I used to think that I had to get such-and-such done and I dreaded it. But I started thinking about it as a process, like something that is never really "done" has helped me. I know it is totally counter-intuitive (why would it being endless help?) but accepting that it is something that can constantly be done in little bits has been good. Less overwhelming, if that makes sense...
That and blasting some good music while cleaning!
Ugh, I can't help you. I will not reveal how long it has been since I swept, but let's just say it's been a while. And yet here I am, with my butt on the couch. It's hard to work all day and come home and want to do anything productive.
I have a theoretical cleaning plan...I just can't seem to follow it.