Hey ladies, I am in the process of starting a moms group in the Madison area. It will focus on the health of our children, our family, and our world - sharing healthy recipes and ways to "go green". We'll also discuss other parenting topics like sleep, potty training, etc. Anyone is welcome even if you are not yet a mom. If I'm your friend on facebook already, I can send you an invite to join the group or you can go here http://www.facebook.com/search/?post_form_id=5aaae7861eed96e0b4d5a2291faa3cd2&q=swiss%20valley&init=quick&ref=search_loaded#!/group.php?gid=108235832536977&ref=ts and request to join. I know this is super late notice but our first meeting will be on Monday and it will basically be an introduction and we'll make some "green" household cleaners courtesy of Underwriters Laboratories (UL). It will be at my home in Evansville although we plan to find a more central location for future meetings. We may also just do a rotating meeting place if members are willing to host at their homes. It will all depend on what everyone wants.
Here's Isabelle modeling the goodies for this weeks party.
Let me know if you have any questions!