Hello there! My husband has just accepted a job at UM and we'll be moving down your way in August. I need LOTS of advice as we know nothing about the area. We have a three year old daughter and she's already on a waitlist at the Childcare Center at Riviera Presbyterian (a rec from someone in his new department). Are there other centers in the area you would recommend? Also, we need to know where to live. Obviously we'd like to be near Coral Gables so Coconut Grove, Kendell, Dadeland? Are those good areas for families? We'll be renting while we try to sell our house in Pittsburgh. And I need a job! I'm an academic librarian and hoping the market isn't as tight down there as it is here. Basically any and all advice would be greatly appreciated. TIA!
Re: Moving to Miami, much advice needed!
Congrats! I live in Palm Beach and have no kids yet, so I'm no help there. However, here's a link to job opening that may fit your needs that's in Miami.
HTH! Good luck with your move!
Welcome! Congrats on your DH's job!
Coral Gables and Coconut Grove are close, but they are a bit costly. You have to be careful about where you live in Coconut Grove, some of the areas aren't the greatest. I know a lot of students rent houses in walking distance to UM that are pretty affordable, so I would look into that for sure. You may want to get a realtor to help you find a place to make the process easier.
My brother lives in South Miami, off of US1, which is only about 10-15 minutes from UM. The area is nice and his kids go to Epiphany Catholic School which is down the street. That area near Epiphany may be more affordable to rent and it's a neighorhood so I think it's a good area for kids.
As far as the job, the market down here is pretty bad as well. Do you usually work in a school? Maybe if you don't have luck in a public school you can try a private school in the area. Or maybe you could apply to work at UM too? They have a library and an education program
Good luck!
I live in Miami Lakes, which is a pretty nice area. Pembroke Pines is pretty nice too, especially if your DH is willing to commute to work.
I recommend Pembroke Pines as well because the job market's a little better than Miami. It took me nine months after moving here to find a job since I don't speak Spanish. If you do speak it, you'll have a much easier time finding a job.
Congrats and welcome to South Florida! Riviera is a great school. Another one close by that you may want to check out is Alexander Montessori. It's a bit pricey but supposed to be very good. In terms of areas to live, Gables is going to be your best bet. Close to UM and great for families. Like someone else mentioned, it's a bit more expensive, but the housing market is still weak down here so you can find some great deals if you look hard. South Miami is also a very good option. I would suggest you get a realtor to help you find a rental. Having grown up in Miami, trust me when I say you don't want to live in Kendall! Not that the area is bad, but the traffic coming from West to East in the morning is horrible.
Best of luck!
All of the areas you mentioned are not too far from Coral Gables. I live in Kendall and work in Downtown Miami (which is even farther East than Coral Gables) and the drive is about an hour and fifteen minutes. I'd say the drive in the morning to Coral Gables would be about 45 minutes, depending on how far west yo are. It's nice and a lot of the homes are newer, and the mortgage/rent is definitely cheaper.
We used to live in South Miami which is very close to UM and I LOVED being so central. You are close to everything, and the neighborhoods are great, very family friendly. However, the homes are pricier and most are older. Our condo was falling apart.
Coral Gables is even more expensive and the taxes are ridiculous, but most of the neighborhoods are great and you'll be really close. I would also consider Pinecrest - the area is great for families and very safe with lots of good schools.