I wonder who is going to watch movies like Earthlings. I am guessing you already have to be at least "partway there" or open to the idea of changing, to watch the movie in the first place. I can't imagine someone who is a hardcore carnivore or whatever is going to decide to watch the movie.
Honestly, I think people would rather turn a blind eye. They don't want to know the horrors behind things like was shown in the Earthlings trailer. It is easier to live an oblivious lifestyle?
(And I am just generalizing - I don't want anyone on this board to take offense! I think the ladies on this board are educating themselves about things, making an effort to change their lives and the world.. and there is a reason that so many of us were nauseated within the first seconds of the Earthlings trailer).
Re: "Earthlings" and other enlightening movies
I agree that people choose to turn a blind eye about their food source. They want to live in ignorance because people know the truth isn't comforting. I'm a nanny and the child has all these books about farm animals. They look so cute, each in their own pasture enjoying life. That's the image sold to people.
I watch these movies/read the books to further educate myself about the issues. Learning about these issues helps me figure out what steps to take to make changes and live what I consider a better lifestyle. Also, the more I learn, the more resources I have to help explain my choices if people ever ask. But people rarely ask why. Instead they worry about my protein intake or ask how long I've been living as a vegetarian.
I mentioned in the Earthling's discussion a few days ago that my husband and I are transitioning to vegan. We tested telling someone on my brother and it was obvious he was a bit shocked, not really knowing what to say.
I won't say I don't understand wanting to turn a blind eye. It took a lot of psyching myself up to sit down and actually watch that movie.
Knowing (and I'm not just talking about Earthlings) comes with a price. And most people, I think realize on some level that knowing the origins of their food would make them not want to eat it. Unfortunately most people don't know that there are alternatives. I was one of them. For years I didn't think I had any other option than to buy my meat from the supermarket. Truly I had NO idea that there were small farmers raising and selling their own humanely raised animals. If people knew there was an alternative to factory farmed animals I think they would be more open to getting educated.