I am so sorry that this is so incredibly gross and bizarre, but my feet are killing me and I'm hoping that SOMEONE can tell me what in the hell is wrong with them.
On top of being swollen, they started to REALLY hurt tonight. My ankles hurt. The inside of my feet hurt. It felt sorta itchy and I finally looked down while I was taking a shower and freaked out. Both of my feet are BRIGHT red and hurt like heck on the inside, and the redness is actually going up my calves. It hurts to walk. They're throbbing right now. If I call my OB and ask about a rash, they'll tell me just to go to my PCP...but honestly, I don't know if this is "just a rash" because it feels more like bruising with minor itchiness.
Warning...not pretty feet
Any advice would be appreciated. I cried tonight because I'm just so tired, so achy, so huge...and then my feet/legs did THIS!
Re: CFL mommies...help! :(
I am not a mommy nor an expert, but it looks like a heat rash. (My dad was a dermatoligist -- so I have been around skin issues)
I know edema (swelling) and extreme heat are not friends. I would try and soak them and apply Gold Bond anti-itch. (That stuff is a life saver!) If that doesn't work, call the doc for better stuff.
I know you must be miserable -- I am SO sorry! Feel better!
Call your OB., sweetie- and don't let them blow you off. They get paid to put up with PITA paranoid preggos.
FWIW, your feet aren't nearly as huge as my FOOT was. Yeah, foot. My right foot went balloony, my left foot stayed normal, until he was out. I was SO sure I had a potentially fatal blood clot in there, and my OB went so far as to order an u/s of my leg to make me shut up about it.
I wish I'd taken a picture- it was really gross.
If anything, they should see the rash, because there ARE some nasty things associated with rashes and pregnancy. Ouch! I hope you get fixed up. Hang in there!
Soak them in hot/warm/cold water? I'm willing to try anything. My feet hurt!
Hehehehe...yeah, I panic if I think one foot is bigger than the other. The Chunk has been very active today so I'm pretty sure my feet issues aren't bothering him. I Googled "foot rash pregnancy" and came up with some SERIOUSLY scary stuff...I don't believe it's the one where your liver shuts down though
I was outside for a long time tonight, so it could very well be a heat rash. I didn't even think of that. I had a small version of this on my left foot a few weeks ago and I called my OB's office...the nurse told me they don't handle anything like that and to see my PCP. The next morning it was gone.
Cold water.
Most heat rash experts will tell you to keep the area dry and use powder. But if they are super itchy and tingly on the inside, you gotta use an anti-itch cream or you'll go nuts.
I have had heat rash countless number of times (I don't do well with the sun anymore) and cold water and Gold Bond has saved me many times.
And usually it will go away away fast if it is a heat rash.
It has been 90+ degrres and probably over 100 degrees with the heat index . . . seriosuly hot far anyone! Not to mention someone who PG and has swollen feet!
Aww- your OB's nurse is mean. My OB wouldn't let me go to anyone else without seeing her first- I wasn't TOO bad with her, though. My foot really freaked me out- hell, it freaked complete strangers out.
I'm sure it's "nothing", but, do call 'em tomorrow, if it's not better. I'm trying to remember everything they told me to do about the swelling- elevate it, drink lots and lots of water- I forget. None of it worked for me, anyway! LOL!
And yeah, damn google! Scary! Don't do it! Feel better!
And by all means call the doc if it doesn't get better! I am a HUGE fan of doctors! I am all for getting checked out and not just guessing or looking online for answers.
Again, I am not an expert . . . but I tend to have good radar on skin issues.
Maybe it is that PUPS rash. It is the pregnancy rash caused from a very high level of pregnancy hormoans. If that is what it is, delivery is the only way to cure it. Your body just needs to get rid of the hormoans.
One of my friends had that and was anti pitocin so she sat around her house with that rash for like 6 weeks, 2 weeks past her EDD. Yeah....she was miserable and itchy and STILL wouldnt let the docs induce her even though they were encouraging it. Needless to say she spent about $200 on different lotions and creams in attempts to subside the issue with no luck.