I have a gmail account that I had opened up about 2 years ago so that I could read blogs that required gmail log in. I'm using the account now and I see a problem with something I did when I initially set up my gmail.
I put myself on gmail as "me".
As in, when it shows on the email who the conversation is between it'll say: Suzy, me.
Or another example. If someone sends me an email along with other people it'll say it was sent to: Suzy, John, Bill, me.
I've searched and searched and I can't find where to change "me" to my correct name.
I remember I put "me" because I didn't want my name to really be on the gmail account.
ETA: Am I just dumb and this is HOW gmail is?
Re: Gmail question
Gmail changes your name to just "me" when you view the email, but that's not how it appears to someone else you send a message to.
To change what other people see, go into the Settings menu, and onto the Accounts and Import tab.
Then there is a "Send mail as" section, and on the right next to your gmail address it should have an edit button. Click on that, and a window pops up where you can view and edit what your name is to the rest of the world.