So there are two really great websites in my city for mom's - like stuff to do etc. (I live in Upstate NY, so it's not like LA or anything).
The other day I was looking for places that do organic berry picking, and it took me forever. I came up with one place but the info on their site was vague and it is very isolated. It got me thinking - should I do a blog for "green moms" in the area?
My thought was, have a page of links/lists of stuff like parks, eco-services related to family (cloth diapers, eco-maids, etc). Then the actual blog posts would be everything from eco-events to eco-crafts, to a weekly post on how to go green.
Do you think this would be a decent idea? I am not sure if I want the work of it, but it might be a nice resource for local moms, plus I would hopefully get input, like people suggesting where there is organic berry picking.
Re: I am thinking of doing a green mom blog - questions?
And Elias Parker, Born 3.5 weeks early 12/20/2011
FINALLY!!! After 7 years of infertility!