Connecticut Nesties
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Stolen get to know you poll:
Because this board could use some action!
1. Hello, my name is _____
2. When we wed
3. Furry family
4. Bringing home the bacon
5. What i like to do
6. Mmmmm
7. A few more things about me
8. Add a question of your own!
Re: Stolen get to know you poll:
I saw this survey on GP
Thanks for starting something around here...
1. Hello, my name is _Heather____
2. When we wed September 6th, 2008
3. Furry family Two Cocker Spaniels: Tomas (black & white 3 1/2 years old) and Lily (brown 1 year old)
4. Bringing home the bacon I'm an accountant, but not a CPA
5. What i like to do ride horses (although I sold my horse two years ago and haven't ridden in awhile), wine tasting, cooking, sewing, gardening, traveling, reading, and I'm addicted to TN, TB, and FF
6. Mmmmm My favorite food is pretty much anything Italian and I also love anything dark chocolate
7. A few more things about me I'm 30, have 7 week old daughter, I was born in MA, moved to NC when I was 10, and relocated back to the northeast (CT) when I was 21.
8. Add a question of your own! What are your fav TV shows?
Mine are DH, Grey's, Army Wives, The Hills/City, DWTS, Private Practice
I've been lurking long enough. This gives me the chance to actually introduce myself!
1. Hello, my name is Julie
2. When we wed August 8, 2009
3. Furry family None yet! We are not able to be home enough for a dog, though we really want one. No cats, I am allergic.
4. Bringing home the bacon I'm an elementary school teacher.
5. What i like to do read, cook, wine tasting, beer tasting
6. Mmmmm I love sushi!
7. A few more things about me Bought a home on the CT shoreline almost a year ago. Trying this whole growing up thing, but I still don't know what that happened!
8. Add a question of your own! What are your fav TV shows? House, Glee, Family Guy, Bones
Mine is: Where do you live? Milford
1. Hello, my name is Tammy
2. When we wed September 26,2009
3. Furry family yellow lab named Sabre
4. Bringing home the bacon IT Analyst at Insurance Co
5. What i like to do read, camping, photography, scrapbooking, baking
6. Mmmmm...chocolate and mexican
7. A few more things about me lived in CT all my life, currently in Windsor, has 2 brothers, loves Nantucket
8. What are your fav TV shows? Rachael Ray, NCIS, CSI, DWTS, The Good Wife
1. Hello, my name is -Cashmiere
2. When we wed -09/06/09
3. Furry family- A shiba inu puppy named Derby
4. Bringing home the bacon- I am a massage therapist/ medical assistant.
5. What i like to do- Vacation!
6. Mmmmm- CHEESE
7. A few more things about me
Because this board could use some action!
1. Hello, my name is Katie
2. When we wed June 4, 2008
3. Furry family None yet, living in a condo
4. Bringing home the bacon Pharmaceutical Sales, he is a high end sous chef (yummy)
5. What i like to do Pottery, hanging with friends, wine tasting, reading, dancing, kaoeroke, Movies
6. Mmmmm I love everything and considering I am married to a chef it does not help the situation. Sushi, Tai, French cuisine, tuna tar tar, spicy pad tai, key lime pie, so many....
8. Where I live Wethersfield
1. Hello, my name is Kate
2. When we wed Oct. 3, 2009
3. Furry family A 3 yo Beagle/Rhodesian Ridgeback mix
4. Bringing home the bacon I am a speech pathology assistant (going to grad school this fall to become a full-fledged SLP), Hubs is an Industrial Engineer working as a Process Engineer
5. What i like to do Travel!, eat, relax
6. Mmmmm Homemade pizza is a staple in my diet, chocolate desserts
7. A few more things about me I'm a Christmas baby
8. How long have you been with your husband? 9.5 years, we were high school sweethearts
We are moving from NC to Stamford next week!
1. Hello, my name is Crystal
2. When we wed - June 1, 2003
3. Furry family - two kitties, Porter and Lily
4. Bringing home the bacon - before becoming a mom, I was a CPA. Now I am a SAHM. DH is an investment banker
5. What i like to do - When we can, DH and I love trying new restaurants, doing wine tastings and getting away for weekend trips
6. Mmmmm - anything Italian, anything with goat cheese, french pastries
7. A few more things about me - I went to Georgetown Univ and am a passionate Hoya fan. Also, I am a huge Yankees fan. I grew up in Albany, NY but moved to Charlottr after college. I am excited (and nervous) to relocate back to the NE for DH's job. We are renting a super cute house a block from the beach and it will be amazing to take my boys to the ocean everyday!
OMG! Am I seeing things? Action on this bored? No waaay!
1. Hello, my name is Lauren
2. When we wed October 2, 2009
3. Furry family Lady, an almost 2 year old chiweenie
4. Bringing home the bacon I'm the assistant clerk of the probate court
5. What i like to do read, cook, lay outside, go on the nest, watch trashy reality shows, go to the movies, drink wine
6. Mmmmm I love food.period.
7. A few more things about me Uhmm..I was born in CT, moved to AZ when I was a newborn, Moved back to CT when I was 1.5, Moved back to AZ at 8, Moved back to CT at 9. Been here since. CLEARLY, my parents couldnt decide where they wanted to live.