My brand new MacBook pro keeps dropping my home wi fi like crazy- not good when taking online classes. I'm reading about interference from other networks etc...
We keep changing the channel and I'm still having issues. I'm running it here at work where we are the only available network and so far, no problems. What gives?
These are the articles I have read:
Have you had this problem? How did you fix it? Wondering if using my One to One training would get me anywhere since I won't be at home under normal working conditions. Last night I about flipped my lid and threw my Mac at my unhelpful DH.
ps- I have to use very specific browser and vista settings for school if that matters.
UNT recommends Java version 6, Update 11 (JRE 1.6.0_11) for Windows user with Blackboard Vista.
For Mac users, the latest version of Java for Mac OS X is supported and MRJ 2.2.5 is supported for Mac OS 9.
Vista supports the most common operating systems:
Re: XP: Macbook dropping home wi fi
What type of wireless router are you using?
The problem may not be your Mac, it might be the router. I had the same issue when I 1st hooked up my in home wi-fi. Turned out that all I needed to do was update the firmware on the router and restart everything. It's worked like a charm since.
We fixed it- and it's a little crazy so here goes. Router was fine, as was the modem. However, the equipment was sitting on top of my DH's subwoofer that is magnetic in his computer room. We have moved it and voila, no dropping. So if your hubby is a gamer, make sure the equipment is not within a magnetic field.
Shelby adopted after 9 months!
I had the exact same problem with my new MacBook Pro and after reading numerous forums, it seems to be a common problem. I'm guessing they are just uber-sensitive.
Funny thing was, my MBP was dropping it literally every 1-2 mins...then within a couple of weeks, my work laptop (PC) started dropping connection too...but less frequently. This has been ongoing since February and I've just been going to the wireless networks and disconnecting and rejoining on the Mac and the PC to get things working again.
Saturday, I finally went out and bought an Apple Extreme Base Station wireless router, because even the PC was getting worse and dropping 5-10 times a day. So far, the AEBS has done great. No more problems with the MBP or the PC!