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O.M.G!!! 3 weeks and 3 days!!! How are things coming along? Any luck on that phone interview? Have you been looking online at places to live? Are you getting soooooooo excited? Getting packed?
Do you love all my questions?! hahaha
Re: Heather!!
::: Butting In:::
Stacy i love all the questions because i was thinking the same hahaha
I am so excited when you will get here Heather
fingers still crossed and i have uped the t&p to 2 times a day 
Well I need to change that one, but hopefully not too much longer than that. I was getting pretty frustrated cuz of not hearing much. They actually cancelled that interview cuz I had to talk to the recruiter 1st. And she just called & got back to me today (2 1/2wks later). I was getting pretty nervous about it. But I'm set up now for an interview w/the manager next wk. I'm bummed though cuz the recruiter said they don't do job offers over the phone, that I'd have to come in & do a face-to-face interview w/them first. So now I'm prob. gonna have to spend a couple hundred $$ to fly out there on a whim to do an interview w/out even having an offer. I think that's pretty unrealistic to ask of someone who's 35 hrs away, but I guess I'll do what I have to.
YES!! I'm getting very excited, but trying not to get too frustrated since it's not gonna be exactly when I want it to be. It's already May does time fly! No, didn't really start packing yet. A lot of our stuff is in a storage shed, so that's basically packed, but didn't start on anything here yet. And yes, LOVE all the ??. Was wondering about you lately too! Sorry I got so winded w/it, haha.
Aww, thanks so much! It really means a lot. I was just joking w/my Dad & asked him if he's been praying that I don't get a job out there, since I haven't had much luck yet (he's not though). I'm very excited too & can't wait to meet you guys! Hopefully on my trip out to check things out again, we can all meet up.
If you do have to fly out here you can crash at my house and i don't work to far from the air port so i can pick you up....
Thanks, I may just take you up on that. A girl I worked w/here at home is living out there & she offered in the past too. I'll def. keep you updated.
I know it can be very frustrating. I searched for a job out here from Oct-May and only got a job because a friend of mine got me in. It's hard doing it across the country but just know that it'll all work out! A phone interview is awesome....if they love you maybe they will pay for your flight. Ya never know!
If you do come out here, we'll def. have to get together esp. if it's around the weekend. We can go out or something. That'd be fun!
I'm glad you're getting excited. What a bummer you have to push the date back but that's ok!
It's awesome most of your stuff is already packed...that's the worst part!
I've been good....put an offer on a house on Friday, the bank already ordered the appraisal so it's looking good. Hopefully nothing goes wrong from here on out. We are crossing our fingers!!!
So excited for you Stacy!
Thanks, Jenn....I'm really trying not to get too excited as there could be 1 issue. I'm not really saying too much because I don't want to get my hopes up! We should know how the appraisal goes though, by the end of next week and we'll know if we get the house by the 4th of July! AAAAH! So excited!
Yeah, it's very frustrating. I just have to keep telling myself that this is the slow time for hospitals now, the economy is crappy & that it prob. doesn't help that I'm 35hrs away & would need a lil more time to get out there & get everything arranged. Yay for a good friend though, to get you a job. I sure hope I'm not hunting for another 3-4 months. That would be soo awesome if they'd offer to pay for the flight, but I'm not counting on it.
Yes, def. have to get together. I'm actually hoping it's not on a weekend, cuz it'd be even more expensive. But I really don't think it will be cuz usually managers & HR only work M-F. Yes, def. agree that packing is the crappy part! Not looking forward to packing everything here, but I think once we get started, it'll go pretty quickly.
YAY!!! T&P for good luck/fortune on this place. That's great that they already ordered the appraisal. I'm so excited for you! So May has proven so far to be better than April??
Well, weekend or not, we'll have to GTG.
Yes...May is def. better than April....still hoping for a BFP too! lol