What did you think of the finale? I may be in the minority, but I loved this finale. As much as I love drama, suspense, and ridiculous-ness, I really just wanted a happy ending for the Castaways. This was a much happier, lovey-dovey ending that I thought we'd get - and I'll take it!
My favorite moments:
- Jack finally "fixing" things so his friends could leave. That's what he always wanted throughout the series and he was able to see the plane take off before he died.
- The interaction between Ben and (real) Locke. For Ben to admit he was wrong and jealous, and for Locke to forgive him - I'll admit there were some tears.
- Kate and Jack, Sawyer and Juliet, Claire and Charlie - my tear ducts are out of commission.
Sure, there are some questions I still have. I'm hoping Doc Jensen (EW.com recapper) will enlighten us. I stayed up to watch the Jimmel Kimmel Live special after the finale. It was funny. Here are a few links (I don't know why Safari won't let me make them clicky:
Re: Losties!! Come in!! (spoilers)
I'm very happy the the couples ended back up together, especially Kate and Jack. I just love them.
The finale was kind of eh to me. I think it was still rather confusing. I think they only wrote in the sideways world for this season to make that it's version of "purgatory" so that the island itself was not purgatory since they had been denying that since season 1.
For me, it was hard to understand how all of a sudden they just remembered each other. The sideways world just didn't make sense to me.
I too watched the Jimmy Kimmel show and loved the "alternate endings". Pretty funny.
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He posted it Part 1 right after your post! Part 2 goes up tomorrow.
Kimmel was OK. Not a necessity to watch, but lots of fun.
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