Also posted on the pets board.
We have a flea problem at our house, we've had it ever since we moved in. we're on the river and the way the house is built, the river rats live underneath it and as a result (combining also the stray cats and racoons, and the dry earth), fleas are abundant this time of year.
This year we're trying a natural approach. The guy is coming out tomorrow and told DH he would give us diamotaceous earth for our cat, Whisky. I checked it out online and it seems legit, but I always worry about using new stuff on Whisky, as I fear the worst when it comes to medications or new treatments.
From what I understand, it's a powder that can be dusted on his fur and ingested when he cleans himself or mixed with his food. I guess I'm just wondering if anyone has used this and if they have had good results, and if it's safe to use.
Re: XP: Has anyone used food-grade diatomaceous earth?
we are using it for scorpions. we did a test run by putting a scorpion we caught in a glass bowl with DE and it died 2 days later.
it's all natural and it works to kill pests by making tiny cuts in their exoskeletons and causes them to dry out. i've never used it for fleas but i hear good things about it.
we plan on putting it on the perimeter of our house and yard, especially near doorways and windows. if you have access to where the rats and whatnot are, i'd put some down there too.
yeah we have easy access under the house, it's kind of on a hill and there is a weird metal mesh-type lining around the perimiter so we can easily toss some down there.
The fleas don't bother me but they bite the hell out of DH and the cat, so hopefully this works. Thanks!
Ugh. It ate my reply.
Diatomaceous earth is effective and safe to use, but is unsafe to breathe in (and not good for eyes, either), so it makes me nervous for you to sprinkle it on your kitty. Once it's settled into carpet, upholstery, etc, it is safe to be around.
We had great success ending a flea infestation (the only one, yet, in 5 years of having pets around) with flea-combing and using diatomaceous earth as per package directions.
Best sound ever: baby's heartbeat! (Heard @ 10w1d)