i know it's early to ask this but i'm so bored right now...lol. what are your memorial day plans?
do you have monday off? are you doing anything special? what are you looking forward to this summer?
i have all next week off yay! my parents are moving over the weekend so we are going to help them with that. on tuesday we are heading down to stay at my grandparents summer home in bisbee. we are going to stay there until saturday. nice relaxing week. i'm so looking forward to my grandma's homemade peach ice cream! altho, i'm kinda sad that dh might not be going down to bisbee with me - he has a job bid that might require him to be in town anyone want to join me?!?!
Re: memorial day plans
we are going to visit the in-laws up in Page! (Lake powell)
soooo excited!
We're going to Sierra Vista on Saturday and then over to Tombstone on Sunday for the day :-)
That's about it.
We'll probably stay close to home most of the weekend. DH's last day of work is this week and since he hasn't found a new job, I'm putting him to work on my Honey Do list!
Sunday, my mom, niece and I are heading to the Anthem Outlets for a bit of retail therapy. Well, for my niece anyway. She's got graduation money burning a hole in her handbag.
Friday: my brother and BIL's high school graduation
Saturday: hoping to work on the master bath. We were able to get a lot done in the master bedroom and office this past weekend, but the bathroom is still a nightmare...
Sunday: lots of cooking/prep for my brother's graduation party and then the actual party
Monday: hopefully more house work, and homework (gotta love those accelerated summer courses...)
Can't wait to meet my baby boy!
m/c 12/25/09 (5w5d) mm/c D&C 4/9/10 (11w1d) Take home baby 2/22/11
My boobies belong to cour10e
Friday: Lunch with my sister and dropping my dog off at my parents house.
Saturday: Heading to Tucson for a good friend's wedding. Staying the night there.
Sunday: Back to my parents house for dinner with them and my sister and BIL.
Monday: It's my birthday!!! The in-laws are coming into town and my parents are coming over to drop off a lawnmower and weed trimmer thingy they're giving us, and we're all going out for my birthday dinner at my favorite restaurant.
So today is Cj's dad's birthday so on Saturday we will probably have them over for dinner to celebrate.
The Sunday we are headed over to Gilbert and i am hvaing a girls night out with my sister to go see SATC 2. so freaking excited about this!!!!!
Then on monday we are going to go buy CJ's wedding ring! I am pretty excited about this too
yesss! i'm going with my mil on friday! can't wait!
We don't have any plans. My husband wants to brew one day, and there is a birthday party for some friends of ours that we can't really go to because it starts at 6 and my daughter turns into a pumpkin at like 7 or 7:30 (and they don't live close to us). But my husband may go on our behalf after we put Bella to bed.
I had wanted to come up to Phoenix to see my best friend since I haven't seen her in awhile, but she is crazy busy all weekend, so it will likely wait til another weekend.
That's really it. I want to work on my Bella book from last year, and I'm hoping to get my new Photoshop Elements this week so I can start on her new book!
I'm not really sure what our plans are. One of my bff's is coming to visit from California. She gets in Saturday morning. And DH's bff & his wife are also going to be in town, visiting her family up in Glendale. There will be lounging by the pool, and going to see SATC, and a dinner or something with DH's bff as well.
Other than that, I have nothing planned as of yet. I leave my bff leaves Tuesday morning, and I leave for Vegas Wednesday morning, so somewhere in there I need to pack and stuff too. Good times!
Me either we are going to get all dolled up and o out should be a blasty!
Saturday we have a housewarming party to go to, then we're going to a midnight lunar bingo (think cosmic bowling but for bingo) at the Ft. McDowell Casino with friends.
Other than that, no plans. MH and I both have work off Monday which will be nice because we never get weekdays off at the same time!
We have a family reunion on Saturday for Phillip's dad's family and then we will be going to midnight bingo at the fort...it's the cosmic bingo (can't remember the new name).
I want to go see Sex and the City 2 this weekend, but I doubt I will talk Phillip into it.
Man, I got nothin'
Maybe, yet another garage sale--as we continue to try and purge stuff from the move...I need to pay for these kitchen lights I lurve...
I'm starting to miss our pool, though not having to clean the dang thing is a definite upside.