Just got word that they want to wait 5 days instead of 3 for the transfer. That means Friday will be the day. DH was really upset because Friday is a bad day for him with a bunch of meetings in the morning he cannot miss. I have a message in with them to see if they can hopefully schedule it for the afternoon, but I am not sure how their schedules work over there. Fingers crossed!! He really wants to be there and I want him to be there. Otherwise we will have to figure something else out for transportation. Ugh!
But, at least things are looking good with the embryos and they will be a bit more developed once they transfer them back in! So anxious!!
Re: Embryo Transfer changed to Friday
That really stinks about your DH's schedule. I hope that the office is able o work something out for you guys..
And I'll keep my fingers crossed for everything to go well for you!
Nothing like throwing a wrench in the works, huh?
Are you not supposed to drive home yourself after the transfer? That would not surprise me - precious and fragile cargo!! If you get desperate for a ride, I am around on Friday and only have one child that day (Caroline) so I could help you out with a ride to and from since I'm pretty sure that you live close by! If you need to take me up on that just let me know!
Thanks for the offer Laura!! I think I am set with a back up ride if DH can't come. It would be so much better though to have him there since you get to watch the whole transfer on a screen as they put them back in. They even give you a picture of the embryos which could end up being your first baby pictures!
They do give you a small dose of valium before the transfer to relax your uterus. This means you can't drive for at least 5 hours after the valium.
I hope you can work something out.
Good luck!