-EDD 10/20/08 It's a boy!
-EDD 11/4/08 It's a surprise!
-EDD 11/10/08. BFP 3/5/08 It's a girl!
-EDD 11/25/08. BFP 3/19/08
-EDD 11/29/08. BFP 3/24/08 It's a girl!
-EDD 11/30/08. BFP 3/20/08 It's a girl!
-EDD 12/21/08
-EDD 12/30/08 It's a Surprise!
-EDD 1/15/09
-EDD 2/21/09.
-EDD 4/4/09 BFP 7/26/08
-EDD 4/25/09 BFP 8/19/08
-EAD ???.
Anyone else who wants to join our group just post your info.
Any questions that you guys would like asked? I'm running low and need to stack up on questions again
Re: LA Bun Check in
Update: Oh man.... I'm sooo uncomfortable now. My right shoulder keeps going numb when I'm sleeping and shoots down my arm into my fingers. Doesn't matter what side I'm sleeping on. Dr threatened me with bedrest yesterday as my BP is high and he's not happy with that or my swelling. He's giving me another week to see if my BP goes down so hopefully it does. Cross your fingers for me. I really don't want to go on bedrest. And I defintely didn't want to be pulled from work this early.
Hi, sorry for the delay - I'm in work hell until Sunday.
Update - had a checkup yesterday. I my BP was slightly higher but still normal (120/60) and of course, I gained 4 more lbs. So I'm up to 22 lbs which is making me crazy...only because I know I gained at least 10 before my BFP. But I know it's all worth it. My bloating is down and I'm measuring slightly bigger than I should which is so funny because everyone keeps telling me how small I am. I'll be seeing my OB every 2 weeks now.
My 3D u/s is tomorrow. Hopefully I can figure out how to post pics. I'm so excited.
Can I join?
BFP - 8/25/08
EDD 4/28/08
First Dr appt was yesterday, they drew blood and scheduled an U/S for 3 weeks from now...Im only about 4-6 weeks.
Hi girls -
I know i am not officially on the list anymore - just wanted to drop in and say hello and to hang in there
i can hardly believe Liam is already 2 weeks old and I have my 2 wk postnatal checkup today... the time is going by so fast!